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How does a game server works ? Do we have to install game on the server and allow access to other users ? Or, do you host it locally and allow others to access your PC ?
Thanks  @Post4VPS

if you mean how to join your server in your pc.... you need to port forward your gameserver ports. Game server can be create by client or by tools, example for client. if you create new internet lobby server and you joined your own server there. then that's it, you created your own server and for how people can access your server. you need to port forward just like what i said before. Same as if you create your server by tools on computer server and allow access by port forward or windows firewall with advance settings.
I want to know what a game server actually is. Does it involve installing game on server ?
Thanks  @Post4VPS

you need to port forward your gameserver ports. and wait to help you an admin
Game Server works with an emulator. Emulator needs to be run in the server and config it's port to connect in-game, after that creating a game client that will be used by players to login their accounts connecting ingame.
(01-05-2017, 08:49 AM)meetdilip Wrote: How does a game server works ? Do we have to install game on the server and allow access to other users ? Or, do you host it locally and allow others to access your PC ?

You can create your own server or play in other server. You may host it locally or in VPS. In most of the multiplayer games. You need to install the game. And use their client.
(01-05-2017, 11:54 AM)meetdilip Wrote: I want to know what a game server actually is. Does it involve installing game on server ?

It depends on how game developer built the multiplayer game system. if they have a server tool such as .exe program and required server files only and you just need run the program in order to host on your local pc/vps, it doesn't need to install the whole game files. but it could be need to install other program in order to run it successfully like java environtment or JRE (in minecraft pc/mac version).

actually, i hosted a gameserver for halo custom edition in my local pc and also in vps.. it doesn't need whole game files, just the requrement files for hosting it and also, it doesn't need to install other program for it.

idk, what gameserver you want to host, but like i said. it depends on how game developer built it. And also before you host, make sure you read the documentation from the website or anything about what you want to host any gameserver because, that's the easy part to see if it need to install whole game files, required files, or maybe just a tool .exe or maybe other thing.. or required other software in order to run.
well as other told you.. but sometimes not working try to use VPS(GamePanel) Better then portforward Tongue
(01-15-2017, 08:02 PM)YOuNeS_Dz Wrote: well as other told you.. but sometimes not working try to use VPS(GamePanel) Better then portforward Tongue

If you you want to host from your local PC then you need to Portforward. But in this case your server will not be 24/7 online. It will be online until your PC is online with a stable internet connection
(01-16-2017, 07:23 AM)Anik Wrote: If you you want to host from your local PC then you need to Portforward. But in this case your server will not be 24/7 online. It will be online until your PC is online with a stable internet connection

well ye i know xd  that why i suggest him VPS(Game Panel) Smile

Thanks to @Post4VPS & @Racknerd for Providing thier : VPS 2

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