08-01-2018, 10:45 AM
I have two VPSs, that I'm very happy with. One with post4vps.com that I treasure the most - VPS 9. And a very cheap "backup" VPS from hostus.us (I acquired it at the time when things got uncertain at freevps). Specs wise VPS 9 rocks and I work with it the most. Host.us is also very good, but contains mostly backup sites. I also use my hostus.us VPS for trying out new things that could be risky for the content - such as the keyless entry and new ways of doing VPSs as it has an excellent control panel with which I can reload the OS. I'm much more careful with my VPS 9 as it has no control panel and don't want to worry the Admin unnecessarily. It has a great number of sites on it, but all straight up and down and as safe as I can possibly have it.