09-04-2019, 08:53 PM
(09-04-2019, 05:42 PM)Littlemaster Wrote: Is Thoshiba HDD suitable for Lenovo Laptops?
I am new to hardware dept.
Yes. It does not matter. Toshiba or hgst are the best options as they are the most tolerant of shock and movement in this segment. Just make sure you buy 2.5 inch drives. You need 2.5 inch form factor drives to fit in laptops. 3.5 ones are the bigger bulkier ones for desktops.Though none is sayig you can't use the 2.5 ones in desktop. But you can not do the other way round.
Be creative when searching on olx. some search term suggestions : "hdd" , "HDD" , "hitachi", "hgst", " HITACHI" , "hard disk" , "hard drive" , "1tb" , "1TB" , "1 tb" , "1 TB" etc, without the quotes. for some weird reason, olx search is not case insensitive in normal search. Also People will be people. They do a lot of spelling mistakes or inventions. hehe.
good luck.
Edit. oh yes. I almost forgot. Mention 2.5 inch small laptop form factor drives while talking to them and do not be naive. People are out there to get you , you know. hehe.
always do multiple checks, always test at their place and make sure that they have no objection to you deciding after being satisfied with tests etc.. Bring a friend with you if you are kinda soft hearted and cant face sudden outbursts or situation changes. I may be making this buying second hand appear more dangerous than it usually is. But, on rare occasions, bad things happen out of the blue. So only ruthless and ready survive. make sure the labels and pins and connectors are ok and no sign of mishandling that may void warranty and be ruthless but reasonable in bargaining. endearing yet unwavering is the key.
well.. too many words.. bllrrgaah
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.