12-07-2019, 06:11 AM
(12-06-2019, 02:25 PM)deanhills Wrote: (...)
I'm hoping that along the lines of that movie "The day after tomorrow", that before it is too late, earth is going to get its revenge on human beings and we're going to move spontaneously into an ice age, where most humans will be killed. Then after that earth may stand a chance.
(...) Technically they could work on a plan if the species could survive at the level of progress they're at right now, but I'm almost certain they're going to have to experience a major correction of earth in the near future, when earth can't handle the destruction at the hands of human beings any longer.
Earth is just fine one way or the other. It's Life on it (and by extension Human beings survivability) that is going to go through yet another squeeze(/mass extinction) phase, similar to the ones recorded in the geological records millions of years ago.
I'm still pointing my finger to Capitalism as to the main culprit of the current state of affairs, without it, Earth resources can accommodate a lot more than the current 7.7 Billions souls. The overpopulation concept is a false problem when we're aware of the dynamics of Natural populations and how its size is regulated(/kept in check); it's basic ecological mechanisms at play.
For human populations, we have not only Natural mechanisms/causes (for population size control) but Man-made ones. Wars (especially those that are fought to get certain military-industrial complexes thriving) are among the most evident but there are other more insidious ones...
I'll stop here.