04-23-2020, 08:58 AM
(04-23-2020, 04:36 AM)Hidden Refuge Wrote: @xdude
Since the lockdown started here in Germany I have experienced a lot of issues with our Internet connection at home. Generally the DSL drops out a lot through out the day and on the weekends it gets really annoying sometimes. Other big issues is that the telephone usually stops working because it is pure VoIP these days.. so no Internet connection = no telephone and not even emergency dail to police and etc.
Another effect of that is that the DSL rate I get is often very far below the contract limit and below what the package includes. Mostly only 3 - 5 Mbit/s vs my 25 Mbit/s package (max. lower limit is 16 Mbit/s).
It is better now because a lot more stores are allowed to open. So a lot less people use the Internet so intensive as they used through the first level of lockdown.
Here it's full lockdown with 24 hour curfew like in India. So most people are stuck at homes so I guess its normal everyone always online. I also have an 4G connection along with a phone. Yeah the downside is if there are power down or internet problems phone doesn't work. So you can't even call support.
Here we have to pay about 12 usd for a 100GB per month connection. The worst part is you get only about 40GB for day time and rest of the 60GB is for 12-08 a.m as off peak. Since many don't use those off peak data ISP providers profit more from unused data. Not many like me who use the whole quota by downloads all kind of stuff so I can watch later. But these days everyone at home more and more people using those off peak data. So It seems providers throttling the speed of off peak times. Once I noticed I my upload speed is 3 times faster than download speed in off peak hours!! So many believe they are throttling torrent downloads too but I have no clue how they would do it. I thought same because of my qb Torrent problem but the new client works fine so I don't think its ISPs handy work.
Another funny thing is here biggest and semi government ISP provider promoting fiberoptic connections saying it gives you amazing 150mbps speed. True, but what's the point of that when you have only about 40GB data for a month to use.