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[Corrected - refer last post] Migrate Your Website to New VPS Host ( Ubuntu/Debian )

This is my last post in this thread where I've tried to correct with actual code the OP's shortcomings. In this post, I'll just address the flawed logic with which you wrote this tutorial and which triggered the complaints posted in the earlier responses.

The flawed logic:
1-Dump the database data in an sql file
2-Pack it with the website root folder
3-Transfer it (somehow) to the new VPS
4-Unpack the payload, then reload the sql data into the database
5-Transfer the website folder to the webserver/Apache document root
6-Set/Configure the website in the Apache server (config file)
7-Reload the webserver and we are done!?

The first thing that came to my mind when I first read this tutorial is that this fellow is still thinking as a Webmaster not as sysAdmin!.. and that's what generated the above flawed logic of the tutorial and that's why the earlier posts where complaining about the title, which should be: 'Migrate Your Website to New Web Hosting' instead to 'Migrate Your Website to New VPS'.

What's missing is all the sysAdmin(/sysOps) routines, ie how to set the Mysql/MariaDB server from start to finish and how to set the Apache server (also) from start to finish and only then we start configuring our data (sql + website assets.) And this part is missing because you were writing with a webmaster mindset not a sysAdmin's.

I think I said it all and hope you learned something from all this prose :-)

PS: I may write few tutorials of my own on this, as I always compile my own Webservers from source along with PHP. It should be educational for folks new in this business.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Migrate Your Website to New VPS Host ( Ubuntu/Debian ) - by fChk - 01-02-2021, 06:44 AM

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