first of all, sorry mate !! didn't mean to insult anyone personally or any ideologies or isms for that matter.
second, i didn't mention anywhere about not liking any indian movies. i said mainstream.. means commercial ones meant for cheap entertainment without much intention to doing any social commentary or getting across any message or having any constructive impact on society.
third, i am an indian from a very rural area. studied at our village school and all. not a product of some english medium school culture. but that should not matter. your saying such words is tantamount to attacking me personally without even spending time to know more about me or what i meant and i dont think that reflects in a good way on our "atithi debo bhaba" (a guest should be treated with utmost honour and respect no matter what) and "basudhaiba kutumbakam" (every human is my relative and dear to me) culture.
in simple terms, your aggressive and misplaced support for indian culture has ended up disgracing the very thing it was meant to uphold and glorify. Also all the good things in indian culture would do much better without the support of some hotheads on the Internet who don't have time to read more about it and yet believe it is their duty to support something they dont know much about.. being born to a pair of world class physicists doesn't make you a physicist.
may be you should cool down a little bro.... then try to express your thoughts in a better way... or may be say to me, " sorry mate, i didn't mean to hurt you".. just like i did above...
peace !!
here is a nice sanskrit slok (scripture) i like a lot.
जन्मना जायते शूद्रः संस्कारात् द्विज उच्यते।
वेदाभ्यास भवति विप्र ब्रह्मम जानति ब्राह्मणः||
( jonmana jayate shudra, sanskarat dwijochchate |
bedabhyas bhabati bipra, brahmam janati brahmana || )
it is available online. but not with meaning. it means (to me at the least),
we are all born as near animals. we are born again when we learn to behave and respect other humans.
Reading books helps us acquire a lot of information. by living a life reflecting upon the information and perspectives acquired from books and life, some fortunate souls amongst us might have a sudden glimpse of the true meaning behind all this..... they become one with the whole / god / nature / brahma...
so in effect i oppose the system of caste and social levels (and associated bigotry and hypocrisy) still very much in practice in india (dont believe me ! just check the matrimonial ads).
hang me.... hahahhahaa
i usually dont rant. but i am gonna make this a rant of epic proportions.
Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay.
Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village (1770)
more than half the national wealth is in the hands of less than one percent in india and that concentration has increased by almost 40 percent in the last couple of years (i think my source is some UN survey. i will try to search it if anyone challenges me with a credible source of their own claiming otherwise. im lazy like that).
so it seems not much has changed in 250 years. hahahah