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Controversial: Does God Exist?
I feel like this thread will be a derailment, since over the years of my life I have observed no matter what you throw at people who believe -- they will continue to do that. There's no point arguing or having a constructive discussion they will be ready to disapprove your claims no matter what. Personally I am Agnostic, I am amazed by the universe's complexity but I do not try to justify it -- as to show if there's something out there controlling it. Either way, I feel like its going to be an never ending discussion which would have both at each other's throat. I do not find that tasteful.
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I dont think these kind of threads should be allowed, since these type of threads can lead to serious fights.
For those who are having problem with this thread, please go ahead and pass your "monthly post count" practices somewhere else.
For those who are commenting against this thread, I request them to please read the conversation as it is fully based on philosophy & science.
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@Manal, if some of our members object to the topic, then we have to listen to them as much as we have to listen to you too.  

On the other hand I fully appreciate your point of view in this instance. @Kururin's feedback is without any indication that he actually read the content of the discussion.  

@kabir145 As far as I can see there hasn't been any fights - possibly you only read the content of @Kururin's post.  More important though, there is no need to comment with a one-liner post.  One-liners are against the Forum rules, and members are encouraged if they see something that doesn't look right to them to use the report tool instead.  Please do so in future.

Please note that more one-liner comments of the above type will be removed from the discussion.  Also that topics like these are in experimental stage only.  If there should be "fights" that create tension in the Forum, then the topic will have to be closed.

Please only participate in this discussion if you have something meaningful and well thought through to contribute to the topic.
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(09-26-2019, 02:37 AM)deanhills Wrote: Please note that more one-liner comments of the above type will be removed from the discussion.  Also that topics like these are in experimental stage only.  If there should be "fights" that create tension in the Forum, then the topic will have to be closed.

The perfect solution for this is to request people to not comment on this discussion unless and until they know what they're talking about and have a logical sense than complaining out of nowhere.

"Explanatory thread/post authors do hold more value than one liners. "
Premium Web Hosting | ShadowCrypt | Manal Shaikh Official Website
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Sorry to blow up this controversial topic/thread. I'm too interested to make a new comment over here. I was reading this thread in the past but never reply to it, as @Manal's answer is way tooooo long and I'm not too interested to read it in serious way, I'm sorry :p.

Anyway, the topic is talking about "Does God exists?" in scientific way.
AFAIK, the more you learn about science, the more you're being an atheist. (Please find what's atheist on Google if you don't know what it is).

Why is that happen?
Science is trying its best to describe how is this world is going. We all know, science does their job. Science succeed to identify age of old thing such as artifact and other thing. Science also succeed describe what happen in the past that make Dinosaur gone, in the most logical way.
So basically, the more you're into science, more possibilities you're going to be atheist.

From that point, what we're debating over and over again is how Earth made. How was this galaxy and another galaxy made.
Science describe that this galaxy with its component was made with Big Bang theory. Big Bang theory is the most logical way to describe how it was. Science told us that at some point, "something" is .. BANG .. exploded. And the result of that explosion is our Earth and other planet, + other galaxy as well.
This become a point where we can ask, how can that "something" made? Who made that "something" thing?

In my holy book, which is The Bible, God is flying around the dark. Then HE said "Create heaven and earth", then .. TING ... Earth is made. Easy but not in logical way. That's the first part where science and religion are never in line.

I cannot really give a comment in such scientific way, but I can give my opinion from psychological way.
Have you ever feel so comfortable after you pray to your God? Yes, I feel the same. I think everybody feel the same feeling.
When you pray to God, you're hoping for a hope. You're focusing your mind to only one thing. You don't mind the other thing that may make you stress. After pray, you will also feel fresh and relaxed, you're ready to take your next challenge.

Do you believe in heaven and hell?
I think it's only our mindset that there is heaven and hell. I don't really believe on heaven and hell. It's only our mindset that if you want to go to heaven, you need to act good. If you act bad, you'll go to hell. At one point it is good for society, as everyone want to be good. But in the other hand, not everybody believe in that point, some maybe are going to act bad as they don't believe in that.
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(09-16-2019, 10:36 AM)HariVP Wrote: This might be my most controversial post yet but I have to give my opinion on it and you can too. I am going to list some arguments that religious or just believers put forward.

  1. How would have this universe appeared out of nowhere, God created this universe
  2. God existed even before this universe's creation and he is the ultimate being.
My arguments:

Let me start by stating that everything my opinion is very scientifical as I believe that science provides a more compelling argument in this case.

Hello there!... I will skip the rest of your post (because it doesn't prove nor disapprove anything) and just focus on the quote above.

... Indeed, the topic related to your question may seem controversial because it has a fate-related basis... SCIENCE has nothing to do with it. Arguments can be formulated one way or the other depending on whose speaking among the Scientists crowd.

What gives the impression that Scientists are overwhelmingly atheist to the general public is that there is a code of conduct in Academia that discourages any public statements on matters of faith among Scientists especially when at the pinnacle of their carrier. Those who does are immediately ridicules, marginalized and terminated one way or the other.

This attitude has a historical reason in the Western word... meaning the Church oppression of Scientific thought before and during the era of Galileo.

As a scientist (in the Neurosciences field), I've always stated the obvious question that any sane Biologists has in mind pertaining to the origin of the first Cell; how the first Cell came into being ? and why can't we create one in the Lab ?...

People outside the field tend to think that given enough time and with a bit Luck and a good souce of the right "material"/STUFF... it should be a piecs of cacke........ Well, it's not and with all the right ingrediants in the Lab and more than 50 years now... and we stil can't get a single damn cell of our own.

Life brings life that's the rule since THAT FIRST ORIGINAL CELL.... so, where did the first one come from?....

You see, I didn't answer your question directly, but if you got a convincing answer to this one, then your thread won't be controversial any more.

Science can't answer the question if "God exists or not", it's beyound its means, meaning its methodology (i.e. the way it works.) But scientists can harness/infer a (gut-fealing) response to that ultimate question when digging deep in their respective fields. Yes, I know, even in Biology we have some outspoken Atheists but (as far as I'm concerned) they speak for themselves not in the name of SCIENCE.

PS: Opinions can't be "scientific" (they are mostly claims, theories etc... ); But Facts ARE.
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(11-02-2019, 06:38 AM)fChk Wrote: Science can't answer the question if "God exists or not", it's beyound its means, meaning its methodology (i.e. the way it works.) But scientists can harness/infer a (gut-fealing) response to that ultimate question when digging deep in their respective fields. Yes, I know, even in Biology we have some outspoken Atheists but (as far as I'm concerned) they speak for themselves not in the name of SCIENCE.

I'd say more than science human beings are limited with asking questions about the existence of God.  They can't see very far, don't have a 360 degree view of everything, can't smell or hear perfectly - how they are created would be too limited to even want to begin to explore theories about God.  They also don't live that long.  Like sometimes it feels as though when they finally have become wise or experts at something, they're old and ready to die.  Human beings can only become knowledgeable and experts on what they can see immediately in front of them and all of that is also dependent on time, space and availability of oxygen and an environment that can sustain their continued existence as a species.
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i have another angle to all this and i would like you guys to comment on that.

Say you have a very powerful and apparently good natured person near your place. You don't know anything bad about him or are ready to forgive his bad deeds cause he is very wealthy, connected and powerful and you could use his help. Now some of you are also actively beating his drums without him ever asking to ( or may be he did. i couldn't care less ) and in a hope that it will please him a lot ( cause hey, it would please you. why do we want money power etc and what do we expect from others when we have those... simple, no ? ).

I have also felt a need to have another person who could see into my soul without me ever needing to say anything. Just so he could know if i was sincere and genuine when the going gets tough. a relationship without any chance of misunderstanding or expectations. pure. if that is your main reason to seek or believe in God then i feel you.

else if you have the opinion that everyone should bow to an entity that created ( as if. but that's not the path i am going to take now) this world, then i will say you are not worthy of having your head over your shoulders and having intelligence and power to think. your are a .....all the bad adjectives + nouns.....

also one should note that
The idea of God creating everything hardly solves the problem of creation.
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Well yeah @rudra, I've seen people being the way you highlighted. Half of the mass believe and trust in God, so that they could ask for favors. The same way as you adore a rich and powerful guy expecting him to help you in your needs, exactly the same treatment is meted out to God as well.

In fact, there are very few people I've seen, who are devoted to praising God expecting nothing in return.

TBH, I am not speaking against any religion neither demeaning anyone's belief, but it's sad to say however a bitter truth that the priests nowadays endorse God as they're getting financial gain from it. Not everyone will believe this but those who personally know one, or have someone in their family's lineage who's a priest will know the inner and therefore actual character and motive behind spending their time in prayer and pujas.

It's alright that you believe in a superior power, I mean there should be someone whom you can loo up to and fear, so that you do not perform bad deeds, but doing so expecting him to solve all your problems in return isn't worth it. Afterall, you're crushing your own belief.

This is what I feel on this topic.

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

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