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I think it's the state department of USA deal with these rather than FBI since FBI is deal only with local affairs. Anyway in this case Owner is not a US citizen, provider is not a US citizen or business and Server is at German. Anyway it's no Rocket Science. If Iranian person want to use a US server all he has to do is use VPN with add a US postal address. I never seen provider verifying any of these details.

I think We are getting totally off topic here. This is an interesting discussion but it should have its own topic. Anyway it has kept thread active. Smile

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

Well they won't go for these small matters, there are a lot of things for them to do than suspending the VPS of people using from different countries Tongue
But it is always better to stay at safe side if in case happens.
(03-28-2018, 01:19 PM)xdude Wrote: I think it's the state department of USA deal with these rather than FBI since FBI is deal only with local affairs. Anyway in this case Owner is not a US citizen, provider is not a US citizen or business and Server is at German. Anyway it's no Rocket Science. If Iranian person want to use a US server all he has to do is use VPN with add a US postal address. I never seen provider verifying any of these details.

I think We are getting totally off topic here. This is an interesting discussion but it should have its own topic. Anyway it has kept thread active. Smile

Providers do check all details and verify and validate them if there smart to prevent fraud, as any sane provider who has been in the business for a while will say it is best you check details and validate them before you end up with chargebacks/disputes later.  Smile as the old adage goes "better to be safe than sorry"
(03-28-2018, 07:52 PM)Lampard Wrote: Well they won't go for these small matters, there are a lot of things for them to do than suspending the VPS of people using from different countries Tongue
But it is always better to stay at safe side if in case happens.

Guess you know more than I do as you've been around much longer than I have.  FreeVPS is pretty strict with getting to know their members, particularly those who apply for VPSs.  Like overly so at times, but for good reason.  I sometimes get the feeling they're looking at members with radar eyes - the scrutiny can sometimes be uncomfortable.  This is not necessarily always good for encouraging traffic (which up to a few months ago was feeding itself and wasn't a problem), but at least the offsetting positive is a high level of safety and security with the selection of the VPS owners. Everyone is human and can make mistakes, but with how the systems of scrutiny are set up at FreeVPS I would be very surprised if they missed someone.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  

Probably you do it but I know for a fact most budget providers don't do it. Not just budget providers but others aren't too. I have used shared hosting and paid vps since 2005 and I have probably to used more than 50 providers. I have never seen anyone verifying my phone no. or address. In most these cases I don't use my Paypal but my partner does from France. Never had a problem is location check even because of that. Providers only check these if they get a complain about something. Like in many other cases as long as they don't see it then it's fine. lol.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

(09-12-2015, 06:33 PM)perryoo11 Wrote: i am the one that dind't knew that XP

well me to. i didnt know about this website also... by the way how did anyone here found this website?
Thank you Post4vps and BladeNode for vps 6!!!
(04-20-2018, 03:27 PM)OldMeister Wrote: well me to. i didnt know about this website also... by the way how did anyone here found this website?

I only recently found it through a thread that the owner of post4vps was posting to at  I've been posting at since February 2016. I probably should have learned earlier about post4vps, but I only really got focused on this Forum when there was a discussion about a giveaway (the 30th) at post4vps.  That got me intrigued.  I then signed up, and enjoyed the experience as it's an active community and one doesn't have to search for threads to post to.  I like to post for hosting.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  

hey don't you remember I sent you a PM at telling about Post4vps. But that was long before the crisis. So I don't think you took it seriously. Plus Post4vps was on early stage. Smile

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

(04-25-2018, 02:58 PM)xdude Wrote: @deanhills

hey don't you remember I sent you a PM at telling about Post4vps. But that was long before the crisis. So I don't think you took it seriously. Plus Post4vps was on early stage. Smile
Sorry @xdude  Maybe the name didn't quite register with me at the time.  Like it was something vague rather than real.  Apologies for not paying better attention at the time. Blush

Must say I'm happy to be at post4vps as this is an active Forum.  There is never a session that goes by that I don't find threads to respond to and I have plenty of alerts every time when I log in.  That makes me happy.  I also like the relaxed atmosphere here and the attentiveness of the owner and staff.  Turnaround in support requests is awesome. 

FreeVPS is still my first post4vps forum, but finding threads to post to is very difficult at present.  It's no longer an active Forum in my opinion.  Irony is that I see members visiting without making any posts - maybe they are in the same dilemma as I am trying to find threads to post to. On the one hand the post standards are very high at FreeVPS but regrettably I find a lack of energy surrounding the Giveaway and Support of VPSs that hasn't only to do with the lack of VPSs.  As far as I can see the current Admin are not as hands on and energetic as in the past and this may be a challenge for getting the attention of new sponsors.  Hopefully FreeVPS will survive this.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
(04-26-2018, 03:39 AM)deanhills Wrote: On the one hand the post standards are very high at FreeVPS but regrettably I find a lack of energy surrounding the Giveaway and Support of VPSs that hasn't only to do with the lack of VPSs. 

This is true, I've posted something. But then got removed. It's really annoying me, so I almost never post again there. Maybe they should lower their requirement so we can get an active forum again.
But yea, P4V is the best for me.
Thanks to Limitless Hosting and Post4VPS for providing me excellent VPS 13!
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