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Looking for software for coding
Hello I am very grateful To Everyone for helping me,
 but can anyone help me with coding software other than Phpstorm?
Because I want to try new things!
Solo Developer
Do you mean for PHP? Personally, I use Dreamweaver for PHP. It makes it everything so easy since I use it most other things too. But the downside is Dreamweaver it's a commercial tool which is quite expensive. You can use the Free trial though. There used to be a version you can download for free. After Abode stopped supporting that version and stopped it's activation servers they had to give away serial numbers for users who kept using it. Even I used to it those days. Now I used a newer version but not the latest one.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

I'm not sure for just one language!
I want to use it for many languages ​​like PHP, JAVA, C ++, JAVASCRIPT, HTML
Solo Developer
It can be used for all those languages you mentioned PHP, HTML plus,

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML)
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Visual Basic
Visual Basic Script Edition (VBScript)
Wireless Markup Language (WML)

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

Is there better software than this?
I want to get more different things
Solo Developer
I am not a supporter of learning programming languages using IDEs. But since you asked, I think the softwares made by jetbrains are really up there these days. They are like next best thing to a sentient assistant.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
Software as in IDE? or something else because I am not sure here what you are talking about. If you wanna try out other stuff then you are in the right path already. Jetbrains have loads of other IDE like cLion for C, PyCharm for pythong, ReShaper for .NET. So many stuff to try out.
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
What is the operating system you using?
Some most using OS have the best coding software for php.
Atom Coding and editing software are best for iOS. able to fix syntax errors. self help system for faster coding.
Aptana Studio have access for multiple OS (Windows, MAC, Linux) and free to install.
Intalij IDEA also a good choice.
Also you won't be using all those languages you mentioned. I have learned all those too but once you become a developer you end up specializing in one of those. Java has its own path and same for C++. I was PHP developer so I didn't do those above languages after the degree. Also Java script and HTML usually done by front end developers.

I agree with @rudra about for learning scripts, the best tool is notepad. But once you are working on Project having an IDE is a must.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

I use notepad mostly for coding, I felt it is enough for a coder, the only problem I felt was finding the syntax error in the code, for php I think cpanel inbuilt editor is good as it can lively show you the error part. I suggest you to check features of each softwares according to your requirements.

Thank you  Sweet

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