Hello guys after stopping playing in cod mobile and I switched to pubg mobile and pubg lite compare to cod mobile security pubg mobile is wrose in terms of cheating,hackers by players so how I caught these cheating issues ? Im currently at ace rank in pubg lite I team up with many rank players conquers,ace,crowns and team with many hackers also so personally i noted some thing to push up rank you can use hack programs features like aimbot,antena,chams I seen many hackers killing against me I spectate them to find out what really happening they usually killing players from to long distance using 3*scope or 4*scope funny thing is they use aimbot for this so that all bullets fire by them shoot directly to players and damage them instalnly without loosing any rounds of bullet another thing is antena hack using this hack they easily find enemy's surround them ,usually I found that all stremers like soul,scout,dynamo usually use hacks but in recording they use another mobile to record I usually asked how they can't get ban so
"Some pro players says once you reach conqueror or ace you can't get ban even someone report "some other players says you can use hacks from plantinmods but make sure you r playing normally while using hacks Like chams,anthena for safe rank push ups so pubg mobile security staffs don't know about these hacks ? Or they just letting them to earn more money by these hacks ? What you say about this guys do you ever faced cheats on game
"Some pro players says once you reach conqueror or ace you can't get ban even someone report "some other players says you can use hacks from plantinmods but make sure you r playing normally while using hacks Like chams,anthena for safe rank push ups so pubg mobile security staffs don't know about these hacks ? Or they just letting them to earn more money by these hacks ? What you say about this guys do you ever faced cheats on game