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libraries for game developpers
hello all,
i decided to make a topic for anyone who want's to develop games a little easier
i introduce C and C++ libraries and resources for developing games, but if you want, you can introduce in other languages
because both programming languages and people are different
although it would not be completed, but it is good for a simple and little reference
so, i give some
SDL (simple direct media layour)
this library has interface to audio drivers, keyboard and mouse and joystick and some others like rendering, window creation, CPU detection, dll loading, etc
it is good mostly for 2d games, but i'm using it for my 3d games two
SFML (simple and fast multimedia layour)
like SDL, sfml has ruteens for keyboard and mouse and window management, but with networking support and based on object orianted programming
in my idea, everything for renderring 3d graphics
camera, animations, etc
but i'm not using it, so i can't comment on it
nowadays, scripting is popular in game development (specially game engines), and AngelScript is a good scripting language similar to C++
it has a grate feature: you just write your functions and classes, and with some function calls, without any wrapper, bang!, you can use your functions and classes in your scripts
squirrel is a scripting language similar to C++, but with dynamic typing, and with table support like lua
this scripting language is mostly used in games, because of it's dynamic typing
it is the same lua programming language with just-in-time compiler (jit)
it is very very fast, thanks to mike pall for his work
it is not as good as sdl and sfml, but introducing it here is not bad
a grate physics library for 3d games
it is used in grand theft auto IV
it is a game library with networking, sound, etc
it has some dialogs and functions for OpenGL
i haven't used it, but it seems good
a network library for games with data serialization support, and many features
a UDP network library specially for games
a physics library for 2d games
it is easy to learn and use
it is a game library for C++ and python
i haven't used it
a game library which supports 3d, but i think ogre is better
an easy to use 2d game framework
Crystal Space 3D
it is a huge library for game development
it supports 3d, but i haven't used it
a 3d game library, supports for lua scripting language, and mutch more
i haven't used this to
it supports knn and machine learning algorithm (mlp)
an easy to use audio library for games
it support's 3d audio, audio colisions, etc
it has many algorithms for encryption and decryption such as aes, blowfish, twofish, rc4, rc5, rc6, etc, many algorithms for hashing such as md5, sha1, sha256, etc, rsa and dsa encryption, random number generator, gzip archiving and many more
a c library for encryption and hashing and many other features with many algorithms and in the public domain
a library for cryptography which is bsd licensed with many features and algorithms
an embeddable and serverless database engine
this is somehow useful if you are making an online game which you want to store usernames and passwords and some other stuff in it
a dynamicly typed scripting language
i'm not using it, so i can't comment on it
just i've read some of it's documentation
a wrapper for sqlite database engine for C++, it make's your life easier
Object orianted input system (ois)
zlib-licensed (like sdl2) input library
it is very useful for mouse input, joystick, keyboard, etc
if you don't want the variables to be changed in your game (specially online games where cheating is a problem), it is better to use this library, easy to use
this is very handy for artificial intelligence
it make's your life easier
this is for artificial intelligence and you can use it to make a behavior system
it is useful for example when you want to make an update system and probeblly, you need an http request library
so, libcurl help's you to send requests
libcurl itself is a c Library, but curlCPP is a easy to use wrapper for it
Happy HTTP
Happy HTTP is a http library for C++
it is very easy to use, based on callback functions
if you are making a map system for your game, you can use a standard called tmx
this tiny library help's you
you can get the map editor at
a library for compression and decompression based on lz77 algorithm
native file dialogs
it has some functions for some dialogs like open and save (i haven't used it)
it is cross-platform
some public domain stuff such as image loading, stb_vorbis which load's ogg sound files, etc
an embeddable and easy to use virtual machine which you can give instructions to it and it execute's them for you
(the instructions are based on 32bit assembly and intel syntax)
this is continued work of tinyXML with many improvements
libtmx-parser also use's this library to process xml
automated testing is sometime nessesary, for example you want to check a condition is always true or your function always return the same results
and this is a test framework for your applications or games, which you can use it
as it's name says, it is a just in time compiler library, it is good if you are rolling your scripting language
it is a scripting language similar to lua, but with support for data structures
it is a wrapper for SDL2 for C++
a library for developing games, it support's anything
physics from bullet, etc (i haven't used it myself)
a nural network library for C++
licensed on the apache license
github link
note: i haven't used this too
a wrapper to SQLite database engine like sqliteCpp but quite smaller, and SqliteCpp has more features
foreign function interface or libFFI is a library for calling functions
this is very useful for script developers
LLVM (low level virtual machine)
if you want to make a compiler (it is useful for scripting language makers), it is a complete framework for you
also clang is it's c/c++ compiler
a logging library, just a cpp and a header file, add those to your project and read it's readme and support logging in your application or game
the sdk which is used by 7-zip archiver and is under public domain
useful if you want to work with archive files (for example resource files in archives such as images, sound files, etc)
Thanks for sharing. But why didn't you just edit your first post?

//Edit: Shouldn't we consider this spam? Please put it in one post!
@RickB you are also doing the same thing Tongue Big Grin lol you probably offline to check all posts are merged now.
[Image: a3ad5cfbf5.png]
[Image: trk1]
(01-20-2016, 01:09 PM)TrK Wrote: @RickB you are also doing the same thing Tongue Big Grin lol you probably offline to check all posts are merged now.

Wait a sec! I wanted to get his attention. Using a different post it would be more noticed. 

There were posts in between, he however merged them.
If i am right then a staff member done all the merging of posts., well i guess we are going offtopic now. Smile
[Image: a3ad5cfbf5.png]
[Image: trk1]
(01-20-2016, 04:58 PM)TrK Wrote: If i am right then a staff member done all the merging of posts., well i guess we are going offtopic now. Smile

i've merged them myself!

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