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Which Video Editing Software you use?
I used 1 program on mobile.
Name: Powerdirector.
Its a very good app Smile
(02-10-2017, 05:03 PM)kubanek_kuba Wrote: Is it possible to edit videos in Action? I saw that peoples are using it to record videos but I've never heard about editing in Action.

What do you mean by editing videos in action? you mean like action moves? or the Action software itself?
(02-13-2017, 05:49 PM)Vuluts Wrote: What do you mean by editing videos in action? you mean like action moves? or the Action software itself?

I mean is it possible to edit videos in program Action.
Guys use Camatsia to edit your videos Smile it's awesome.. please try it Smile

Thanks to @Post4VPS & @Racknerd for Providing thier : VPS 2

Pinnacle Studio is my best. this software is so awesome. I got it for my birthday and I just exploded. It is worth getting! Get it! I have made so many cool videos with the software. I have gotten so into it that I have been making videos every day. and I love it. So please don't hesitate to buy the Pinnacle Studio Ultimate!
여보세요  Big Grin   
 | Thanks to Host4Fun and Post4VPS for great VPS 1 |
For video editing software i use Adobe Premiere . the great feature is that it is much familiar to me than sony vegas . i dont say vegas is a bad software i just say that is a litle bit complicated to use . but the problem is that premiere doesnt utilize openCL fully . sony vegas on the other hand utilize opencl better making it much better performance on opencl card

have a great cpu or cuda card (nvidia card milking edition) and want a better familiarity - premiere
have amd gpu - VEGAs

is it coincidence?
VEGA is the new upcoming amd gpu
humanpuff69@FPAX:~$ Thanks To Shadow Hosting And Post4VPS for VPS 5
(06-04-2016, 01:34 AM)thispc Wrote: I find Sony Vegas Complicated for a noob... Being myself a noob i use Cyber Link Power Director .

you can use pinnacle studio for the alternative is good for beginners
Many thanks to Abc-Hosters LLC and post4vps for the VPS 3  Party

- Sorry for my bad English

I personally use LightWorks and Sony Vegas, LightWorks is much easier to learn and understand very helpful to video editing newbies
I got all confused when I used Lightworks. More over, it doesn't work well with Radeon graphics. They recommend Nvidia on PC.
Thanks  @Post4VPS

(02-14-2017, 08:17 PM)YOuNeS_Dz Wrote: Guys use Camatsia to edit your videos Smile it's awesome.. please try it Smile

camtasia is best, after we record our screen we can directly edit the video
Many thanks to Abc-Hosters LLC and post4vps for the VPS 3  Party

- Sorry for my bad English

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