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Wordpress - The best CMS
May i ask a question? Can i add a live bar for my vps there? For ex Ram: 296 MB Used - 2 GB Free and etc, i already have the code but can i add it to the theme or no? If yes then my next step = installing Wordpress.
Kinda notable thanks for sharing ,I will note these things and make sure it go correct
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
(02-04-2018, 04:54 PM)youssefbasha Wrote: May i ask a question? Can i add a live bar for my vps there? For ex Ram: 296 MB Used - 2 GB Free and etc, i already have the code but can i add it to the theme or no? If yes then my next step = installing Wordpress.

here the php script . you can inject it through the template and add the iframe refresh
  $fh = fopen('/proc/meminfo','r');
  $mem = 0;
  while ($line = fgets($fh)) {
    $pieces = array();
    if (preg_match('/^MemTotal:\s+(\d+)\skB$/', $line, $pieces)) {
      $mem = $pieces[1];
    if (preg_match('/^MemFree:\s+(\d+)\skB$/', $line, $pieces)) {
      $memfree = $pieces[1];

  fclose($fh); ?>
<p>Used RAM : <?php echo (intval($mem) / 1024) - (intval($memfree) / 1024) ?> MB out of <?php echo intval($mem) / 1024 ?> MB</p>
humanpuff69@FPAX:~$ Thanks To Shadow Hosting And Post4VPS for VPS 5
There are also a couple of forum plugins, meaning you don't have to bridge it with SMF or something like that. I've grown pretty find if Wordpress.
Happily sponsored by Shadow Hosting & Post4VPS!
Great OP many thanks. And I have to agree. WordPress is definitely not limited to a blog. I have a number of static Websites that have been built with WordPress. What I really like about it (particularly when I'm working with myBCool is how well organized the plugins and themes are at Also how easy it is to work with them in the WordPress Dashboard. Compare that with myBB and WordPress is lightyears ahead. One of these days I'm almost certain WordPress will have a plugin that can works better as a Forum than myBB can. What I also like about it is how easy it is to upgrade it and how portable it is from one VPS to another. Particularly with the All in One WordPress Migration tool.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
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