01-14-2020, 11:32 AM
Does this script works with all Linux OS or supported with selected OS only?
(01-14-2020, 11:32 AM)youstable Wrote: Does this script works with all Linux OS or supported with selected OS only?
# Reading total memory in MB
tram=$( free -m | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}' )
# Reading Swap in MB
vram=$( free -m | awk 'NR==3 {print $2}' )
echo "Memory : $tram MB" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "Swap : $vram MB" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
# The unit MB is defined by the International System of Units (SI).
1 Megabyte (MB) = (1000)^2 bytes = 1000000 bytes.
# The unit MiB is defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
1 Mebibyte (MiB) = (1024)^2 bytes = 1048576 bytes.
iotest () {
echo "Buffered Sequential Write Speed" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "-------------------------------" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
# Measuring disk speed with DD
io=$( ( dd if=/dev/zero of=test_$$ bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -f test_$$ ) 2>&1 | awk -F, '{io=$NF} END { print io}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' )
io2=$( ( dd if=/dev/zero of=test_$$ bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -f test_$$ ) 2>&1 | awk -F, '{io=$NF} END { print io}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' )
io3=$( ( dd if=/dev/zero of=test_$$ bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -f test_$$ ) 2>&1 | awk -F, '{io=$NF} END { print io}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' )
# Calculating avg I/O (better approach with awk for non int values)
ioraw=$( echo $io | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' )
ioraw2=$( echo $io2 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' )
ioraw3=$( echo $io3 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' )
ioall=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioraw' + '$ioraw2' + '$ioraw3'}' )
ioavg=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioall'/3}' )
# Output of DD result
echo "I/O (1st run) : $io" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "I/O (2nd run) : $io2" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "I/O (3rd run) : $io3" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "Average I/O : $ioavg MB/s" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
# /............/bench.sh
// ) ) || / / // ) ) // ) )
//___/ / ___ ___ __ ___ //___/ / || / / //___/ / ((
/ ____ / // ) ) (( ) ) / / /____ / || / / / ____ / \
// // / / \ \ / / / / ||/ / // ) )
// ((___/ / // ) ) / / / / | / // ((___ / /
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Benchmark started on Mon Jan 4 17:16:03 +01 2021
Full benchmark log: /root/bench.log
Buffered Sequential Write Speed
I/O (1st run) : 1.1 GB/s
I/O (2nd run) : 987 MB/s
I/O (3rd run) : 978 MB/s
Average I/O : 655.367 MB/s
(.......same starting code here.........)
# I/O without units for calculation (better approach with awk for non int values)
ioraw=$( echo $io | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' )
ioraw2=$( echo $io2 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' )
ioraw3=$( echo $io3 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' )
# Converting possible GB/s results to MB/s value for proper calculation afterwards
iounit=$( echo $io | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' )
iounit2=$( echo $io2 | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' )
iounit3=$( echo $io3 | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' )
# Converting 1st benchmark run
if [ "$iounit" == "GB/s" ]
ioconv=$( bc -l <<<"($ioraw * 1000)" )
ioconv=$( echo ${ioconv%.*} )
# Converting 2nd benchmark run
if [ "$iounit2" == "GB/s" ]
ioconv2=$( bc -l <<<"($ioraw2 * 1000)" )
ioconv2=$( echo ${ioconv2%.*} )
# Converting 3rd benchmark run
if [ "$iounit3" == "GB/s" ]
ioconv3=$( bc -l <<<"($ioraw3 * 1000)" )
ioconv3=$( echo ${ioconv3%.*} )
# Calculating all IO results and avg IO
ioall=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioconv' + '$ioconv2' + '$ioconv3'}' )
ioall=$( echo ${ioall%.*} )
ioavg=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioall'/3}' )
ioavg=$( echo ${ioavg%.*} )
ioavggbs=$( echo "scale=2; $ioavg/1000" | bc )
# Output of DD result
echo "I/O (1st run) : $io" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "I/O (2nd run) : $io2" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "I/O (3rd run) : $io3" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "Average I/O : $ioavg MB/s or $ioavggbs GB/s" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
echo "" | tee -a $HOME/bench.log
dd_conv() {
if [ "$2" == 'GB/s' ] || [ "$2" == "GB/sec" ]; then
speed=$(echo "1000*1000*1000*$1" |bc)
elif [ "$2" == "MB/s" ] || [ "$2" == "MB/sec" ]; then
speed=$(echo "1000*1000*$1" |bc)
elif [ "$2" == 'KB/s' ] || [ "$2" == "KB/sec" ]; then
speed=$(echo "1000*$1" |bc)
elif [ "$2" == 'B/s' ] || [ "$2" == "B/sec" ]; then
echo $speed
printf '\n'
echo "Testing storage buffered write speed."
for i in {1..3}; do
printf 'Pass %s... ' $i
io=$( ( dd if=/dev/zero of=test_$$ oflag=nocache conv=notrunc,fdatasync count=0 bs=64k count=16k ) 2>&1 | awk -F, '{io=$NF} END { print io}'; rm -f test_$$ )
echo $io
speed=$( dd_conv $io )
avgRate=$(echo "$avgRate + $speed" | bc)
avgRate=$(echo "$avgRate / $iter" | bc)
avgRate=$( formater $avgRate)
echo "Buffered Write Speed = $avgRate"