02-05-2021, 07:47 AM
(01-31-2021, 09:28 PM)fitkoh Wrote: What I would like to see from the medical community is a better job of identifying persons which NEED a vaccine or other treatment rather than making blanket policies that everyone has to abide by. (..........)That's not a medical issue!... It's a policy matter concerning a public health issue, hence, it has everything to do with your local politics.
The medical community's only job is to get you vaccinated if 1-there is a vaccine and 2-you need/want one. They can't compel you to get one... Your government can!.. under whatever slogan he wants.
(01-31-2021, 09:28 PM)fitkoh Wrote: If your point is valid, how can any serious scientist in the bioscience field assert that a vaccine is the only way we'll ever acquire herd immunity to the current pandemic? (...)As far as I'm aware of no one does(/should claim that); simply, because it's not true. Do you know why it's not true?.. because there is another way, the time-tested brute-force way, that is the old-fashioned way, which is let things sort itself out without doing anything!!..
That way too would work and it will also lead to a herd immunity among the survivors of the pandemic!.. So the difference is in the final statistics in the human loss of lives!.. If that's not important, then sure, go for it!..
I did post a link to a previous post of mine on why a vaccine is important, but I think I'll quote it here again:
(03-21-2020, 05:00 PM)fChk Wrote: Viruses don't die!... they are not even considered as 'living beings'! technically speaking.. Yep!.. that's right.
Viruses are just tiny bits of DNA OR RNA packed in a proteic Capside. This is why they need living cells (of whatever host they can infect) to spread/propagate....
The only way out is immunization, and that takes time to develop after first contact, and yes many die in that process; this is what we refer to in BioSciences as the 'Natural Selection' acting on populations(/doing its thing in the wild.)
Vaccines are Man's ingenuity at speeding up that process(/acquired immunity) without being in prior contact with the fully functional virus, thus saving lives.
Two ways a virus can be neutralized:
- when the host is fully immunized; that makes the virus an easy target for human's anti-viral defences (which is a specialized case of human cellular immunity, with lymphocyte T4/T8 at its heart.)
- when the virus loses that critical key that allows it to infect that particular kind of cells in that particular kind of hosts; the same key that since it has acquired it (following a mutation event) put it into our spotlight as a life-threatening agent.
This drama is really just the ages-long process of 'Life' in action, but this time under the Megaphones of a 'globalized World Order'. I know this expression is cliché, but describes best the situation as I witness it.
Anyway, I thought a bit of trivial biology bullet-points won't hurt anyone here :-)
(01-31-2021, 09:28 PM)fitkoh Wrote: (...)If it is unreasonable for me to suggest that vaccines may have detrimental long term side effects in the vigor/responsiveness in the human immune system because of lack of evidence and failure to consider other factors I submit it's equally unreasonable to state that vaccines will improve the long term vigor/responsiveness in the human immune system for the same reasons, or to state that a vaccine is needed by everyone.Same problem here too!.. a misconception about what vaccines actually do!!.. and the price a society is willing to pay in terms of human lives. See previous comment.
(01-31-2021, 09:28 PM)fitkoh Wrote: I think I understand this perfectly; I just don't agree 100%. I tend to believe that the population density is the primary threat. Human beings have been expanding into new ecosystems since before recorded history, but it's only very recently that a point of expansion has been in contact with a dense population area (millions of people in a municipality). I would argue that there is a direct correlation between population density and the frequencies with which pandemic/epidemics occur. While zoonosis is possible any time a person/group explores an undeveloped area with unfamiliar wild-life, I don't believe it would be nearly as likely to reach epidemic proportions if people weren't packed into cities like sardines in a tin.
I think I did a post on the problem of population density in the mega-cities in this thread but that only accelerates local spread from Human-to-human part of the equation. THE ORIGINAL PROBLEM IS THE WILD-LIFE-2-HUMAN PART (ie the zoonosis) OF THE EQUATION, as I explained previously.
The other factor is the globalization of the World economy that accelerates the Human-to-human transmission across the GLOBE instead of locally in the case of the major Urban centers.
To summarize, the ticking bomb is this:
> Zoonosis: WILD-LIFE-to-HUMAN transmission.
> High-density Urban areas: acceleration of local Human-to-human transmission (local epidemic state in progression)
> Globalization(/Neoliberal economics): acceleration of global Human-to-human transmission (the perfect global pandemic storm.)