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[CLOSED] 48th Giveaway
 19 VPSs are Available
  • 4x VPS 1
  • 2x VPS 3
  • 1x VPS 6
  • 1x VPS 8
  • 4x VPS 9 (Locations: Atlanta, Buffalo, Dallas, Seattle)
  • 2x VPS 10
  • 1x VPS 11
  • 1x VPS 12
  • 1x VPS 13 (Location:  Finland) (Note:  Picture ID required - refer notes below)
  • 1x VPS 14 (Location:  Dallas) (Note:  Picture ID required - refer notes below)
  • 1x VPS 18
The giveaway will remain open until Thursday, 5th of September.  The winners will be announced on 6th of September.

For comparing the VPS Specifications, Users can check,3,6,8,9,...2,13,14,18 (some of the vSwap Boxes are empty since the author was unable to get that info from users' past posts).

  • Users must read and agree to all terms of the provider (of the VPS which they want) when they apply.  These can be found on our Plans Page.  
  • When you apply, please let us know your preferred OS and the Domain you will be using with the VPS.
  • For VPS Plans belonging to @HostDoc (VPS 13 & 14), users have to verify their personal details by providing a photo ID which has the same name, address & phone number as mentioned in your VPS request thread.  You can either post this directly at your VPS request thread or PM the giveaway manager your ID Card as a proof. We will remove the ID card from our database once it has been verified. If you have any other way of proofing your details legitimately please let us know.

Please Read before Applying
  1. Read Our Forum Rules before applying.
  2. You should have met our minimum requirements to get VPS.
  3. Read Application Format before applying. (If the application format is wrong then your Request will be rejected)
  4. You must post your VPS application in VPS Request Forum.
  5. Read TOS of VPS providers before applying.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Soo many VPS with high specs available these days. A few years back it was quite hard to find a KVM vps with more than 1GB RAM in a giveaway. Looks like these days there are more KVM servers available than anything else. Good luck everyone !!

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

And here it's! New giveaway on the right time (00.00 GMT) as Dean usually do.

Anyway, the specs is very nice to have. I would recommend VPS 8 and VPS 18 to apply. Both of them are high specs and crazy asf.
Thanks to Limitless Hosting and Post4VPS for providing me excellent VPS 13!
Nice to see the giveaway, sad to see VPS 4 not being available xD, Oh well, Goodluck to everyone who applies
Thanks to ShadowHosting and Post4VPS for my VPS 5!
It is always a great giveaway since I am here. There are a lot of VPS's with great specs. Best of Lucks everyone who is applying. ( including myself )

Thanks to Post4VPS and Hostlease for their great services.  
So again a great giveaway. Nothing much to speak about. Others have already posted what I wanted to. Midnight UTC is 5.30 am in my country.. So I was sleeping at that time ;-) .

Just a small observation I made - this is the 48th Giveaway. 4*12=48 . That means this is the fourth anniversary of giveaways since Post4VPS started off their great endeavor. Well done guys, it's not easy to continue this long largely depending on your sponsors for the entity you do a giveaway of. It's really cool.

This also goes to show how amazing the sponsors are, helping the community to become ever-expanding. I take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors of Post4VPS, everyone. Thanks for all the support you extend to help people get what they desire but cannot afford. Thanks for the brilliant support you offer in the forums, especially @Manal, @Pacific Spirit and all others. Thanks for forming an effective part of the discussions and contributing to almost everything. Thanks for the well in hand information about downtimes. Thanks for bringing new surprises every month, be it a new VPS 18 or an increase in RAM if VPS 4. Thanks for everything!
Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
(09-01-2019, 06:17 AM)sohamb03 Wrote: Just a small observation I made - this is the 48th Giveaway. 4*12=48 . That means this is the fourth anniversary of giveaways since Post4VPS started off their great endeavor. Well done guys, it's not easy to continue this long largely depending on your sponsors for the entity you do a giveaway of. It's really cool.

I didn't think about that - you're right.  4 years! Definitely cause for celebration. We're moving into the fifth year next month.  Well done every one! Congratulations Every One! Cool

Here's a link to the first Giveaway!

Now this is a surprise.  The number of available VPSs during the First Giveaway on 29th of September were exactly the same as today's - 19 VPSs.  Where on earth did they get the huge numbers of VPSs from, like check the Second Giveaway!  Wow!
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
@deanhills: Yeah it's truly a matter of joy and we should celebrate to commemorate this occasion.

BTW in the first giveaway I saw that there were a total of 19 VPSes, however, it was written that '18 VPSes are available'. Why so? Was it an error while typing? Or something like a VPS was added afterwards to the list? I'm indeed curious about this.
Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
i think i participated in one of those giveaways in the initial months and had a good spec vps too. But it was good spec on paper and was slow with a connection you couldn't work in peace with. Then i decided to stay confined in the forum there at fvps. I came back after a few months of fvps stopping their giveaways giveaways. It has been worth it ..

Thanks and cheers..

By the way, i see a lot of huge spec vps on the table again. vps 18, 9 ,8. good luck to all who are applying.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
another giveaway thanks to post4vps and staff members for another wonderful giveaway im going to apply for vps 18 hope i will win the vps
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
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