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Corona Virus ? where did this come from ?
(03-23-2020, 05:41 AM)xdude Wrote: My friends in Italy says most people there didn't care about this still it got really worse and government has forced lockdowns. I heard its same in France too. Their Govenment refused to close schools and do lockdowns in worst areas till last moment. In Paris Anti Government protests happening has usual (My French friends tell me those protests are part of life in Paris).

Germany has high number of infected cases but the death toll is low, Less than 100 so far. Sametime Spain has 28k infected and 1.7 deaths so far.
You're right about Italians not paying attention to Government requests.  I saw a news report on TV today saying it got so bad that some of the mayors of cities have become forceful and have the army out to compel citizens to observe the recommendations.

The Ambassador of South Korea in South Africa did a news briefing why he thought they were successful in getting the Corona virus cases to flat line in South Korea.  He said what is required in SPEED, INTENSITY of acting, Keeping Tabs on every case, and COOPERATION of every one.  They are now in a position to manufacture lots of ventilators and masks and of course in a position to make money by exporting their expertise to countries at the epicentre of the virus.  Hopefully those can be made available in South Africa.  We've got lockdown for 21 days starting from Friday.  We can only leave our homes to buy food.  And then essential services can continue.  Draconian steps, but I wonder whether the Government will be able to implement it.  In spite of calls for maintaining distance of 1 metre and limiting numbers of meetings to 100, people are going to funerals in hundreds and congregating every where.  And not observing the Corona recommendations.

I also notice with England (a BBC News Report this morning) that the London tube is still packed full of passengers in London, in spite of a lock down in the city.  London is badly effected.  But people aren't really listening to recommendations.  Wonder whether they will have to get the army in one of these days.  Any way.  This is the difference between the large escalation of Corona virus cases in England and flat lining in South Korea.  Total different culture of individualism, and "self" vs, looking out for others and feeling responsible.  I.e. it is not so much that one gets the virus that matters, as the potential of spreading the virus to many others.  So one has more than double the responsibility not to get sick, so one won't infect others.  That type of culture is not as evident in the West as it is in China, South Korea and Japan.  Mind you, China is a very despotic country too.  Maybe Putin in Russia may be able to get cases to flat line in Russia as he seems to have lots of support or it would appear so any way.  Cases have escalated in Russia, and he is in the process of calling a lockdown for Russia too.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
In India it seems a complete lock down is in progress. Now from last 3 days I am at my home. Police is in the streets, all public transport is being prohibited. Cases have been charged against the violaters. Currently there is not reported in our state. But around hundred of cases has been reported. Price of food itemis increasing in our state. I am living in a consumer state. If this prohibition stay for and long it will be very difficult to the people of our state. Some people are still not considering the risk of travelling while some obeying the regulations. Anyway rules and regulations are very strict. Hopefully we can overcome this difficult situation.

Thank you  Sweet

in a country like India, this is a bad way to go about the business. when even small countries are able to make so many ventilators and do like 5000 to 8000 tests per day, a huge country like India has some like 18000 tests in total so far.

we have a total of like 4000 ventilators in India and 7 million card per year that call for this service even without Corona. now just figure it yourselves.

italy has like 6 crore people and one state in India, West Bengal, has like 9 crore. italy population density 200 per sq km. west Bengal 1000 per sq km. India has 1 doctor for every 1500 citizens. italy has like 1 doc for every 220.

even after the start of curfew, 100 new Corona cases appeared in like the last 24 hours. some with no direct contact our foreign travel. so community spreading has started.

now corona cases are doubling in less than 5 days here. so the prime minister could try doing a strict lock down for like 10 days to see if there were any improvement. or even 15 days, the longest people are staying ill with it. no, 21 days. what kind of decision is that... no idea...

with such a large percent of people still poor enough to not have enough food, i just hope this severe lockdown doesn't further complicate things and take a higher toll even from the segment that could survive otherwise.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
(03-25-2020, 04:19 AM)Littlemaster Wrote: In India it seems a complete lock down is in progress. Now from last 3 days I am at my home. Police is in the streets, all public transport is being prohibited......

It appears that the number of infected cases is still relatively small in India though. I mean by considering the huge population base in India.

But I agree with you that this is really a tough time for Indian. This kind of lock down is making people mad. Smile

I Just hear about new virus name has Hanta virus found in China they said hanta virus is also dangerous like corona virus his and it spread by rats
thank you post4vps and  racknerd for wonderful vps3  Heart
@Khadeer143  This is fake news.  Yes, there is a virus like it, but NO it can't be compared with the Corona Virus.  Hanta virus has been around for a very long time.  You should check facts before you contribute controversial statements like the Hanta Virus to a discussion.

This is what I found on the Hanta Virus.

I notice you cross posted as well by creating a thread on the Hanta Virus as well. Cross posting is not allowed in the forum and the thread has been removed.

Please be reminded this topic is about the Corona Virus.  So let's stick to discussion about the Corona Virus only.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
I've been following news stories about the Corona Virus from different countries.  One of the countries is the Netherlands - the BVN Channel.  I then listened into a news report of 4000 students doing voluntary duties for helping the elderly.  @perryentioned yesterday how exhausted he was with helping, but I didn't realize to what extent. So kudos to @perry for volunteering his services like this. No wonder he is so exhausted.  On top of this he is attending to his University studies and tuition through the Internet.  Well done @perry!

The students basically help the elderly with shopping that the elderly can't do themselves.  It was interesting how the one elderly lady demonstrated the 2 meter distance that has to be maintained between the elderly and the student when the student delivers the elderly's groceries.  No way do the people in our local mall maintain that distance when we are in shops.  

Also interesting News Report on the BVN Dutch channel that included an interview with a health worker with a religious affiliation receiving the elderly at the hospital when they are at the worst stage of the Corona Virus where they need to be placed on ventilators.  He said they were blue in the face, and they were almost certain they were going to die - it's an awful sight to see of terrible desperation.  This disease is brutal for sure.

I also noticed in England that there was a call for 250,000 volunteers to help at the medical centers, and they had the full number of volunteers registered within hours of the call that was made. They are now oversubscribed. England is in the process of converting a huge exhibition center  into a medical center that can accommodate 4,000 beds.  Hopefully they will have obtained all of the ventilators and safety equipment that are needed.  Looks as though the whole world is short of ventilators.  There was a report on BBC that some of the doctors have made an urgent appeal to Government to get safety kits for them that they short in supply off and threatened to walk out if this was not obtained soon.  Has to be enormous stressful to be a health worker.

Meanwhile in South Africa our lockdown starts on Friday. Tonight the Minister of Police announced people aren't allowed to take their dogs for walks. They have to stay at home and can take their dog for a walk around the home. They are however allowed to go to supermarkets, medical facilities and banks. Going to be interesting to see how they will be implementing this.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Corona is spreading with a very fast speed in Pakistan. It is sad to say that 39 new patient are found in an area of Mardan KPK Pakistan. According to GEO News, A person who returned from Saudi Arabia on 9th of march was victim of Corona. He and his family did not told anyone about his illness. He arranged a party for his successful Umrah/Haj. ( i don't know what is the english. ) Where all of his relatives and other villagers came. After some days he died. Now when some other people felt like they are having symptoms of Corona. 45 person went for a Corona test, 39's test were positive out of 45. Govt. of Pakistan has locked village and all of the villagers are advised to go for a test. Govt. of Pakistan is in a very big problem that there can be a lot of cases. Because all of the villagers met some other people too because they were unaware.
I am sorry for my bad english. You guys can read more about it here

Thanks to Post4VPS and Hostlease for their great services.  
Everywhere there is the same problem: no one take it serious.
Until people don't understand to stay at home or to don't travel at all this situation will not end.

Right now the only country that succeeded on stop the spreading of the virus is China thanks to its hard response. China suggests to BLOCK EVERYTHING but other countries are too scared of a economic fall, this is just no sense and they are playing with human life.
Thanks to Post4VPS and Bladenodefor VPS 14
what china did was strictly quarantine the affected regions and did a lot of tests to find and isolate the infected population.

Singapore, south Korea and Japan managing it successfully too.

what we fools doing is locking down whole nations and that even too late.

my country has more money allotted to beautification of an area in delhi than what they are going to spend for the whole country to upgrade medical equipments.

also the numbers are being downplayed a lot and people are nit being tested properly everywhere. only serious and related cases.

blocking a country this big is fools errand.

also they have not briefed police properly and police and local public are being as callous as they usually are. in mob mode...

stopping essentials transport and medical supply transport, not allowing goods transport at interstate borders, beating people up randomly even when you are out for something important. it is all a big mess so far.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
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