(06-06-2021, 08:56 AM)mzltest Wrote: It has been a good while since the idea of ipv6.But it is poorly implented in China.Recently my mobile carrier seemed dropping their ipv6 support - probably the reason might be ipv6 addresses are harder to be monitored by GFW and thus cutting off might be the best choice.
IPv6 was developed and continuously deployed out of need for IP addresses given that the 2^32(/4 billions) IPv4 addresses are almost depleted for awhile now if it weren't for networks NAT-ting hacks. Thus it's no longer a luxury for it to be just ignored by ISPs across the Globe, especially now with the IoT(/Internet of Thing) era starting to take off.
The 2^128(/roughly 340 trillion trillion trillions) addresses that IPv6 provides will make it possible for everyone on Earth to have as many IP addresses as he effectively needs (or at least I hope so!.. see the IPv4 distribution example!)
IPv6 addresses are cheaper because they are more abundant compared to the IPv4 ones (2^128 vs 2^32). Of course, plus the fact that the transition to it isn't still effective to this day!!
Although nowadays the software side of the equation is standing ready (ie IPv6-compatible) the -networking- infrastructure challenges aren't still in so many parts of the World; either at the equipment readiness level or simply at the operations level... A lot of money still needs to be injected at both levels across the Globe.
(06-06-2021, 08:56 AM)mzltest Wrote: From the publicly available data*,the active ipv6 users percentage is 52.19% - at least for me I was in the rest.
* https://china-ipv6.cn/
There is a Google page that tracks IPv6 adoption stats:
Google Wrote:Google collects statistics about IPv6 adoption in the Internet on an ongoing basis. We hope that publishing this information will help Internet providers, website owners, and policy makers as the industry rolls out IPv6.
Statistics By ipv6-adoption
Statistics Per-Country IPv6 adoption
In there you can read for the Stats By ipv6-adoption as of Jun 16, 2021 :
> Native: 32.31%
> 6to4/Teredo: 0.00%
> Total IPv6: 32.31%
Not bad!.. A third of the Internauts!
(06-06-2021, 08:56 AM)mzltest Wrote: So now I am wondering whether you guys have ipv6 support.In case you don't know how to test it,you can test at test-ipv6.com .
Unfortunately No!.. You can read this thread:
Running an IPv6-only VPS Gotchas! for more.