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Is Apple too greedy?
I mean even if Apple product is overpriced. Apple products have their value, they last longer and their software is seamless and good. I have owed an Iphone for 5 years now and I have gotten every single update and improvement Apple released. Where I have owed an Android for two year and I had no idea whether I would get update or not and there was always software glitches and battery was shit.
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(06-13-2021, 10:08 PM)Kururin Wrote: I mean even if Apple product is overpriced. Apple products have their value, they last longer and their software is seamless and good. I have owed an Iphone for 5 years now and I have gotten every single update and improvement Apple released. Where I have owed an Android for two year and I had no idea whether I would get update or not and there was always software glitches and battery was shit.

That depends how you view this.Yes,android phoneds tend to be cheap however in worst cases they are just assembling parts of the phone and brand them.That won't cost them much and the main profit comes from selling.

However Apple uses their own OS and cpu,which means they have their intellectual cost and they need to distrubute them to end users and they have a higher brand value.Then there is no point to compare and anyway it is in your opinion that whether the added value worths that additional price.
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(06-14-2021, 05:51 AM)mzltest Wrote: That depends how you view this.Yes,android phoneds tend to be cheap however in worst cases they are just assembling parts of the phone and brand them.That won't cost them much and the main profit comes from selling.

However Apple uses their own OS and cpu,which means they have their intellectual cost and they need to distrubute them to end users and they have a higher brand value.Then there is no point to compare and anyway it is in your opinion that whether the added value worths that additional price.

Exactly, I think I stated this earlier on in the thread. The added value for me to use Apple products is 1) the ecosystem and 2) the brand familiarity in my industry. Most, not all, Graphic Designers and Developers use macOS and iOS/iPadOS are easier platforms to develop on due to the device constraints you mentioned (cpu, gpu, form factor etc.).
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(06-14-2021, 05:51 AM)mzltest Wrote: That depends how you view this.Yes,android phoneds tend to be cheap however in worst cases they are just assembling parts of the phone and brand them.That won't cost them much and the main profit comes from selling.

However Apple uses their own OS and cpu,which means they have their intellectual cost and they need to distrubute them to end users and they have a higher brand value.Then there is no point to compare and anyway it is in your opinion that whether the added value worths that additional price.

No I am debating why people precieve Apple as too greedy. They have their market and they have their niche. They know their customer well to price accordingly. Even if there should be a sudden increase in their price of phone, people would buy it anyway. iPhone is a status symbol now days its either you have it or not. People who cannot afford or just dont like them will go to Android non-the-less. So there is no point in discussing if Apple is ever greedy. They just want to make profit as any other business do.
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
(06-14-2021, 07:29 PM)Kururin Wrote: No I am debating why people precieve Apple as too greedy. They have their market and they have their niche. They know their customer well to price accordingly. Even if there should be a sudden increase in their price of phone, people would buy it anyway. iPhone is a status symbol now days its either you have it or not. People who cannot afford or just dont like them will go to Android non-the-less. So there is no point in discussing if Apple is ever greedy. They just want to make profit as any other business do.

I disagree.  It's in the nature of marketing to have to be greedy, and Apple is as guilty as the rest of them.  It is also very dishonest a lot of the time.  The dishonesty for me is trying to get its users to upgrade to newer models by getting older models to drag on newer OS.  The older models are still perfectly OK, however can't work with up to date OS.  And Apple knows this.  Apple used to be very good, when Jobs was still around.  Emphasis was on technology and phones were made to last.  But nowadays focus is on marketing, getting the new model out the door to make more money, even before the model is ready to be launched technically. Focus is also getting more on bells and whistles that aren't really needed. Apple nowadays is as dishonest as any of the other players out there and all of it being greedy to make more bucks for its share holders.
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(06-15-2021, 12:51 AM)deanhills Wrote: I disagree.  It's in the nature of marketing to have to be greedy, and Apple is as guilty as the rest of them.  It is also very dishonest a lot of the time.  The dishonesty for me is trying to get its users to upgrade to newer models by getting older models to drag on newer OS.  The older models are still perfectly OK, however can't work with up to date OS.  And Apple knows this.  Apple used to be very good, when Jobs was still around.  Emphasis was on technology and phones were made to last.  But nowadays focus is on marketing, getting the new model out the door to make more money, even before the model is ready to be launched technically. Focus is also getting more on bells and whistles that aren't really needed. Apple nowadays is as dishonest as any of the other players out there and all of it being greedy to make more bucks for its share holders.

I am not sure where you got that older models drag on? I am not exactly sure what you mean but iPhone 6/6S recently got the newest iOS and there are plenty of people who are running it well. Keep in mind that its been 5-6 year since the release of 6/6s and Apple is still supporting it. I have not seen any Android company support a phone that long. Yea Apple has gone downhill since Jobs and I do agree there are changes to the new phones that I do not really care about (testament to this as I own XS Max and have not upgraded for 2yr+ now) I do not plan to upgrade unless Apple substantially made changes to their newer phone for me to justify the features and price to upgrade. And you talk about bell and whistles but every new thing Apple came out with had a use (for ex. 5G/WiFI 6/Magnetic Back (for wallet)/Better DAC/Better Chip & Better Camera/Privacy) They are all QoL improvements and they have their own uses. Maybe some of their business practice is shady and I do recognize that but you need to also recognize at the end of the day they are just a company like any other who looks out for profit. But they do make a difference and ALL public company are slave to their share holders and Apple is not along in this.
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
Simple question is, why Apple is so greedy even they are directly distribute there product specifically with Apple logo and copy rights. not like android and snapdragon or mediatek chipsets, which has many many smartphone platforms/companies to sell there products and even no oath of reliability.
direct benefit mean the tag price will be less then any other market places.
Is this the race of standard and symbolic peoples?
why Apple not intro any beta device for middle class population?
Here in my country Apple 12 or higher price are approx. same to buy a new 150cc sports bike or an old model car.
(06-15-2021, 02:50 AM)Kururin Wrote: I am not sure where you got that older models drag on? I am not exactly sure what you mean but iPhone 6/6S recently got the newest iOS and there are plenty of people who are running it well. Keep in mind that its been 5-6 year since the release of 6/6s and Apple is still supporting it. I have not seen any Android company support a phone that long. Yea Apple has gone downhill since Jobs and I do agree there are changes to the new phones that I do not really care about (testament to this as I own XS Max and have not upgraded for 2yr+ now) I do not plan to upgrade unless Apple substantially made changes to their newer phone for me to justify the features and price to upgrade. And you talk about bell and whistles but every new thing Apple came out with had a use (for ex. 5G/WiFI 6/Magnetic Back (for wallet)/Better DAC/Better Chip & Better Camera/Privacy) They are all QoL improvements and they have their own uses. Maybe some of their business practice is shady and I do recognize that but you need to also recognize at the end of the day they are just a company like any other who looks out for profit. But they do make a difference and ALL public company are slave to their share holders and Apple is not along in this.

During 2016 I tested two models of Apple against Samsung. Apple 6 and 6S. I've written about my experiences a few times in this Forum. After change of OS there were battery issues. Apple then invited users to test and if necessary have batteries changed by December of 2016. They were using Apple Sales Offices to participate in what I consider to be a "promotion" of Apple trying to change the negative feedback on batteries due to OS issues. I tested my Apple against Comparable Samsung Galaxy S7. There was a huge difference in use of battery between Samsung and Apple. I took both Apple phones to Apple for testing the batteries. They said the one was OK (even though it was still slow) and the other they recommended that there was something not good with the phone, and that I should take it to an Apple Retailer to upgrade to a new phone.

The Apple distribution system is one of selling new Apple phones and as many bells and whistles you can think off. I can't remember where I read this - as this was discussed at some point too. Apple bringing out a model prematurely, because of wanting to score with marketing - even when the technology was not completely ready yet.

Just imagine all of the add ons one has to buy these days when you get a phone or an Apple laptop.

So Apple is greedy. And so are all of the other cell phone brands. No one is exempt. They're there to make as much money as they can, and a huge part of that market is their existing clients, getting the clients to upgrade their phones to new ones.

I decided not to go for Apple as I found a lot of hype surrounding the brand. Yes, it is a good quality phone that professionals like to have. But you have to pay for every bell and whistle along the line. Including music. There are also too many restrictions so that they can control the phone. I'd go as far to say that Apple is greedier and more marketing focused than the other brand phones. But for now I'll stay with just greedy like every one else.
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(06-16-2021, 06:05 AM)deanhills Wrote: .... So Apple is greedy. And so are all of the other cell phone brands. No one is exempt. They're there to make as much money as they can, and a huge part of that market is their existing clients, getting the clients to upgrade their phones to new ones.

I decided not to go for Apple as I found a lot of hype surrounding the brand. Yes, it is a good quality phone that professionals like to have. But you have to pay for every bell and whistle along the line. Including music. There are also too many restrictions so that they can control the phone. I'd go as far to say that Apple is greedier and more marketing focused than the other brand phones. But for now I'll stay with just greedy like every one else.

I think it is a bit hard to say Apple is just as greedy as all of the other mobile phone providers.

Obviously Apple earns a larger profit margin if you compare it with other competitors.

If Apple was not greedier, they could set more affordable prices for their mobile phones just like everyone else. Smile

(06-16-2021, 06:05 AM)deanhills Wrote: During 2016 I tested two models of Apple against Samsung.  Apple 6 and 6S.  I've written about my experiences a few times in this Forum.  After change of OS there were battery issues.  Apple then invited users to test and if necessary have batteries changed by December of 2016.  They were using Apple Sales Offices to participate in what I consider to be a "promotion" of Apple trying to change the negative feedback on batteries due to OS issues.  I tested my Apple against Comparable Samsung Galaxy S7.  There was a huge difference in use of battery between Samsung and Apple.  I took both Apple phones to Apple for testing the batteries.  They said the one was OK (even though it was still slow) and the other they recommended that there was something not good with the phone, and that I should take it to an Apple Retailer to upgrade to a new phone.

The Apple distribution system is one of selling new Apple phones and as many bells and whistles you can think off.  I can't remember where I read this - as this was discussed at some point too.  Apple bringing out a model prematurely, because of wanting to score with marketing - even when the technology was not completely ready yet.  

Just imagine all of the add ons one has to buy these days when you get a phone or an Apple laptop.  

So Apple is greedy.  And so are all of the other cell phone brands.  No one is exempt.  They're there to make as much money as they can, and a huge part of that market is their existing clients, getting the clients to upgrade their phones to new ones.

I decided not to go for Apple as I found a lot of hype surrounding the brand.  Yes, it is a good quality phone that professionals like to have.  But you have to pay for every bell and whistle along the line.  Including music. There are also too many restrictions so that they can control the phone. I'd go as far to say that Apple is greedier and more marketing focused than the other brand phones.  But for now I'll stay with just greedy like every one else.

Apple during 6 and 6s is a different thing than now. I went to my Apple store during pandemic that after two year of use my XS MAX died on me. They replaced me on the spot and I had AppleCare+. They tried changing the battery for free (which wasn't the problem) With other phone manufacturer like Samsung they would just tell you to straight up pay for repair, atleast that what they told me when I had a Galaxy. There was a battery gate controversy with Apple yes, but as with anything Lithium-ion battery do degrade over time and Apple even replaced the battery for the people who were affected so its not really they trying to do planned obsolesce just that the new features caused a strain on the old technology that is 6S/6.

Again you are talking about bells and whistles, not sure where you got that from, Apple doesn't force you to buy their accessories and you can always buy cheaper alternative at a different brand or retailer. Also Apple does not force you to upgrade its your choice whether you do or not. They will tell you when you go to their store but you have a choice!

I have a MacBook Pro 16" and I have not payed for one accessories ever and I am not to buy straight from Apple if I have to because there are cheaper better alternative accessories and Apple do not stop me from using it.

There is a legit reason why it is hyped. It because of their premium product. I use my MacBook everyday for professional development and it saved me many headaches I would get otherwise if I were to use Windows. It works for me and it works for countless million/billion people. Apple is just like any other company, they just trying to make money. You cannot just slap greedy on their face because they are trying to make money. If you think they are trying to sell bell and whistle just do not buy it, simple. If you do not like their upgraded phone just do not upgrade. Its all simple.
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