
Loss of posts 11 to 15 August - feedback needed?
I think same with @arsalahmed786, maybe P4V is moving their hosting to other with older data backup. Or.. Maybe bad thing happened? Just a little bit weird, why they don't do backup for newer version/date. So we don't have any impact with our posts.

Maybe the server get down when they want to access it. So then they use old backup to have site up.
Just need some clarification from admin.

Btw, @Vuluts and @arsalahmed786, no one from the admin informed this to you? I think you all have group on Skype to discuss something.
Thanks to Limitless Hosting and Post4VPS for providing me excellent VPS 13!

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RE: Loss of posts 11 to 15 August - feedback needed? - by tiwil - 08-16-2018, 05:55 AM

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