(11-07-2020, 10:55 PM)Decent12 Wrote: Overall position of world at this time due to corona virus is somewhat the reason of inactivity of this as i myself unable to give time to posts which results in getting my vps terminated.
everything just opened after corona virus and everyone is really busy(That's what I think I can be wrong as well)
Decent12 I can't understand this as I'd have thought particularly during the lockdown there would be more time and opportunity to make posts during Covid 19.
My experience is that those who don't particularly feel enthusiastic about making posts as a rule, would tend to postpone it as much as they can until it is almost too late to do so. With regard to available topics, there are so many. But again, the same argument applies in that if the member is not really that enthusiastic to post, then those opportunities may not be that "visible" as they aren't open to recognizing them.
I'm also wondering whether looking for topics may be negatively impacted by posting with phones? Like would it be as easy to scroll to the latest threads/posts that have been submitted by phone than it is available on a desktop computer. Do members who use phones to do their Forum posting see all the latest posts/topics that have been submitted?
For me it would be great if those members who are in Discord Groups would do a good word for Post4VPS in the discussions. But only in the company of those who look as though they like to post. Like if one participates in a Discord discussion one can readily see whether the person likes to write or not. They don't have to write prose, but at least show some natural enthusiasm for wanting to communicate with the written word.