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Suggestion to expand perryoo11's FAQs and to add FAQs to index links in header row
@perryoo11 @Dynamo

I've just learned about perry's FAQs Announcement and find it a great reference tool.  Is it possible to expand it and to add it to the row of index links possibly next to VPS Plans?  Also is it possible to add the information about post points and posts that is in the VPS Plans Announcement to the FAQs?  Not many people will look for information on posts in the VPS Plans Announcement and apparently that is the only place where the details about the points are mentioned.

The myBB search tool is one of the worst - so didn't come up with links when I did my first search on the post points.  I then started a thread on where to find the info and then learned that the information is in the VPS Plans Announcement. Only members who have been around for a long time or scroll down past the VPS Plans will know it's there. A logical place (refer also @tryp4vp recommendation) to search for the information would be in FAQs.

When I searched for perry's FAQs I again had great difficulty finding the FAQs Announcement as the myBB Search Tool came up with no links.  So is it possible for you to add the Post4VPS FAQs link maybe next to the VPS Plans in the index line of links?  Maybe Perry could update the FAQs as an ongoing project or maybe ask members what other info they'd like to include in the FAQs - like they did at when the FAQs were put together. The FAQs was a team collaboration that also included member suggestions.  The faq link is featured in the index row of links and I also like the way it was set up.  Like all the info one needs for a beginner is available in the FAQs in logical sequence:
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Let me know what kind of questions and I'll add it.
(08-26-2018, 05:12 PM)perryoo11 Wrote: Let me know what kind of questions and I'll add it.
Thanks perry. 

Here are important info that I think should be added:

1. Under Question 3. How can I obtain a VPS?  Add:
Warning level should be 0%

2. After question 3 add a new question 4:  Once I have a VPS what do I need to do to keep the VPS?
  • Post 20 posts per month
  • warning level should be below 50%
3. After the new Question 4 about how to keep a VPS add a new question 5 below about forums for which points have been disabled

Question:  Which Forums have been disabled for earning points for a VPS?

Private support forum
Private VPS Request forum
Spam/test forum
Introduction forum

4. The last question 8 in your FAQ needs to be updated or deleted - How can I keep track of my posts each month?
The link in it doesn't work.  Would be nice if you could have a link for hosted members only.

5. Add FAQs link to index of links (next to VPS Plan)

If you have problems with time and need help. please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  

Great list. Smile

By the way, I have a feeling that the new question 5 is just a full duplicate of what already said in this page:

So, it may be better to put the URL into the answer, instead of copy-and-paste the full content.

The advantage is that if we need to amend the content later, we only need to amend one place, not multiple places with same content.

In addition, the answer of question 3 now (20 posts) contradicts with the actual requirement.

So, why not combine your questions and just change the current question 3 to "How to get and keep a VPS", and then put URL to the answer.

Just my 2 cents. Of course it is all up to perry to decide how he wants to update and maintain it.

adding it to header row sure will help most of people because some people doesnt like looking small text for finding FAQ . And also those people probably need a FAQ . Adding it to header row increase it visibility and reachibility to the next level . Now alnost everyone visiting the sote will know where the FAQ is and they know how important is this because the fact is most of the time FAQ contain very important information
humanpuff69@FPAX:~$ Thanks To Shadow Hosting And Post4VPS for VPS 5
Did you guys ever cared to read the Help section? if not then i will suggest you to read them if someone who are not able to get what i am talking about you can visit this link
[Image: a3ad5cfbf5.png]
[Image: trk1]
(08-27-2018, 02:43 PM)TrK Wrote: Did you guys ever cared to read the Help section? if not then i will suggest you to read them if someone who are not able to get what i am talking about you can visit this link

No one ever reads the Help section specially of forums, making a different FAQ would help more than this, and specially the link redirecting to it.
(08-27-2018, 02:54 PM)Lampard Wrote: No one ever reads the Help section specially of forums, making a different FAQ would help more than this, and specially the link redirecting to it.

I had the a faq template stored somewhere but i guess i don't remember its location if it requires then i guess i can work on something like that.
[Image: a3ad5cfbf5.png]
[Image: trk1]
(08-27-2018, 03:07 PM)TrK Wrote: I had the a faq template stored somewhere but i guess i don't remember its location if it requires then i guess i can work on something like that.

Yes it would be good, it wouldn't take time to find a free one from web too, there are many good looking ones.
Maybe Change the " Help " link to FAQ ? I have to agree with @Lampard about nobody reading Help links in forums. Even I haven't notice that till @TrK mentioned it here. I think all the information people ask and need to know are already here but just not visible enough. Maybe Adding it Above that Right side Sponsor Banner might make it more visible IMO.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

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