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which programming language
hi i am here i want to know which programming language is best to learn when you dont know any language because i seen many people whose ask me which programming language is best for basic i want to know your openion
If your going to code a website then HTML, CSS and PHP are your best friends, since mostly websites now use this language.
If you are planning to be a web developer than PHP is a good starting language. Majority of content management systems like Wordpress are developed using PHP so you will find it easy to customize those scripts or develop new modules/plugins.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

i think javascript easier to learn basic of programming Smile JavaScript is relatively easy to learn, is already right there in your browser for you to play with, and even though it's been around for a while, it's rapidly gaining popularity. Many of you who nominated it noted that your bang for the buck when learning JavaScript is huge, because you can start using it right away to build things for the web—which may very well be what many people are learning to code for. Some of you even noted that you have a headstart on more complicated languages like C and Java by picking up JavaScript first (but don't be fooled—there are few similarities between JavaScript and Java.) Plus, if you're looking to code professionally, JavaScript is in extremely high demand these days.
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- Sorry for my bad English

If you want to learn easy and simple language its python. You can use it almost everywhere.
I would say C# or Python. They are both pretty popular right now and I think it's the future.

I would suggest to not start learning with Assembly, Cobol, Java.
On the other hand, I would suggest perl as you can start right away from any Linux or even Mac computer.
You may try at the prompt:
perl -e 'print "HelloWorld$/"'

If you want more action then you can write a file with "pl" extension such as "" with the following code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "The process number of this script running is: $$ $/";
print "The operating system is $^O$/";
print "The local time is: ".localtime().$/;
The process number of this script running is: 20863
The operating system is linux
The local time is: Thu Mar 21 15:50:29 2019
Start from easy may make interesting, but be objective oriented, think what do you need to develop. Ensure your journey will end in the right place. Currently I want to be an app developer, having knowledge of html, php and css is good, but not enough. So think what do you need to develop.

Thank you  Sweet

I am going to say C, yes it's syntax is shit and confusing but if can gasp it you can pretty much work with every other language. Java/Python is also a good starting language but python is much easier but it's indentation makes me rip off my hair while Java and C works off {} (curly braces) so it's easier to understand sub code and thereafter.
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
(10-01-2016, 03:59 PM)Decent12 Wrote: hi i am here i want to know which programming language is best to learn when you dont know any language because i seen many people whose ask me which programming language is best for basic i want to know your openion

the easy one is visual basic . that is the first language that i learned but it have low use cases you can only use it for .net application and not all of them support visual basic . the slightly harder one is php and javascript . that is what i learned after visual basic and it have wide use case espescially that web is verywhere . and lately i learn java for android application because i need to create it . for beginner i reccomend start with web development with html , css , js and after that continue to php
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