
Posted by: fitkoh - 01-09-2021, 04:23 PM - Forum: Software - Replies (6)
SolidCP is the control panel used to manage VPS 15 generously provided by @cubedata

This thread is intended to be specifically about SolidCP - I'll plan to make a review of VPS 15 specifically in a couple weeks, but I hope this topic will be useful in helping me get the most out of it.

My initial thoughts: the UI could use a little work. There's nothing "bad" about it, but I definitely will not accuse the engineers of placing form over function. It's something in my mind more similar to Webmin in appearance, compared to something with a smooth interface like Ajenti or Cyberpanel. It's basic. I'm a bit of a minimalist so I really don't mind this at all.

The backend is a bit slower than I'm used to. Keep in mind that I'm a Linux user for 20+ years, and the slowness that I'm perceiving could be due to the simple fact that Windows is a heavier software than what I'm used to. The backend could actually be incredibly fast for a windows server, I just don't have any experience to compare. What do I mean by slow? VPS functions like reboot and reinstall seem to take quite a bit longer than they do in SolusVM, for example.

The user/account system seems unnecessarily complex - although the complexity may have benefits I'm unaware of. There are different tiers of access: Customers, Spaces, Plans, Addons. While the system is complex, it seems very powerful with a lot of different options. After a few minutes of clicking around and a little googling I was able to create a space for a VPS and create a VPS in it. One thing I really like about this panel is it can manage multiple instances (although with 1 instance in the pool I'm unable to test it). In the plans area you can define quotas and limits for bandwidth, inodes, etc. The addons section has loads of options for different server configurations such as mail server, db server, web server, etc etc. I tried to create a Proxmox addon but was unable to get it working. I'm assuming this is because of the way Cubedata has it configured - I don't think Proxmox is loaded at the host level and nested virt seems disabled - but still very neat that SolidCP can manage different virtualizations (Windows HyperV & Proxmox)

Since I'm a linux user, one of the first things I tried was a CentOS install. Cubedata has Centos 7 & 8 loaded in the DVD drive. Over the console I was able to complete a full install. The process was very much like installing from DVD on a local pc, with the ability to partition the drive, etc. I tried to install both 7 & 8. It should be noted that I had networking problems with Centos 8 when I attempted to configure networking with DHCP. When I installed 7 I manually set networking  using the settings provided in SolidCP and had no issues.

The virtualized performance of Centos on top of windows server wasn't the greatest. I'll share the benchmarks of virtualized Centos when/if  I'm able to get benchmarks of the windows server for comparison.

I reinstalled back to windows to do some more testing, and here's where I've hit a roadblock. My first problem to overcome was keyboard shortcuts. To log into windows console, you have to press ctrl+alt+del - which is my keyboard shortcut for task manager. After I disabled it I was able to attempt to log in. However, windows doesn't seem to be accepting my password. I think maybe it's due to some of the characters I used, so I change password to an alpha-numeric pass with no special characters. The console warns that it may take some time for changes to apply to the vps. After 8 hours of sleeping I still can't log in. I can see 3 possibilities: I am using the wrong credentials to log in(setting my pass at the wrong place) or the password change feature is broken or it's really really slow.

Here is screenshot of the area where I change my admin pass -
I don't know at this point if there's something else I can try or if I should submit a support request. Is there a default pass or backdoor?
Posted by: tbelldesignco - 01-08-2021, 03:33 PM - Forum: Reviews - Replies (3)
I first would like to say thank you so much to @phoenixwolf for setting up this amazing offer for the Post4VPS Community and extending the BladeNode services to us. This review will walk everyone through my initial thoughts of DirectAdmin and some of the great things I have been able to accomplish with this hosting opportunity since getting into it. 

Now this is the first I have used DirectAdmin and I am honestly very impressed with the panel as a whole. It is snappy and responsive on all of my devices from my MacBook down to my iPhone. I am able to login and manage the hosting anywhere in the world. As a power users, I value security and one thing that I noticed when I first logged in was the ability to set up Multi-Factor Authentication and as a frequent flyer of this security protocol I was very happy to see that this was an additional layer of security offered in the panel.

The features I am really enjoying are the FileManager, SQL Database Manager and the PHP Version Manager. These systems are very similar to the interfaces found in cPanel, but they don't come with some of the bulk that cPanel has in some of their interfaces. 

- File Manager - The manager is very responsive and intuitive once you get in there and start playing, one thing I think that could be improved on is syntax highlighting, you currently do not have any syntax highlighting in the default text editor in File Manager. I do not think that it is something that @phoenixwolf is able to implement, but that being said text is legible and there is not any lagging when it comes to entering text.

- SQL Database Manager - The system is super sleek and easy to create a database and PHPMyAdmin is my favorite GUI based manager so I have absolutely no critiques for this feature.

- PHP Version Manager - Now this system is almost identical to that found in cPanel you can quickly add PHP Packages and modify your PHP Version with a few clicks of your mouse. One thing that I noticed is that when selecting a PHP Package the check box does not automatically say selected. You must refresh the page to confirm that that Package has been enabled.

My goals:
Now with this opportunity, I am hoping to continue the development of my CMS. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to develop software with the limited storage that way the software is optimized for smaller hosting packages so more developers and web admins have the ability to use my solution! Development is underway with a new framework and I cannot wait for you guys to see it!

Once again, thank you @phoenixwolf I cannot wait for you to get this into the hands of more customers and I am excited for what the future holds!
Posted by: deanhills - 01-03-2021, 09:25 PM - Forum: Support Requests - Replies (7)

I've got a strange thing happening that is a first in my WordPress experience.

Every now and then when I'm in the WP Dashboard Chrome gets an issue with the BladeNode sub-domain I'm using (the sub-domain you gave me:  

It  resolves to:


Like so:

[Image: 8J2wLbA.png]

Once it's there I can't get out of it.  It happens only when I am in wp-admin. Only way I can get back in is to get rid of all cookies and then start over again.

Like logically I would think the issue must be the database.  With localhost? Or is it a Chrome issue vs how BladeNode has set up something?  I don't have the issue with Firefox (yet).  Although I'm using chrome as the main browser.  So can't say for sure.  But if I get rid of Chrome cookies then it gets fixed again.  Until the next time.
Posted by: deanhills - 01-03-2021, 08:50 PM - Forum: Reviews - Replies (9)
@phoenixwolf recently advertised for beta tester volunteers to help test his shared hosting accounts with DirectAdmin Panel.  Due to the recent hike in cPanel prices, is hoping to completely replace his over 1200 cPanel accounts worldwide with DirectAdmin.

Like Phoenix, I haven't used DirectAdmin in years, so was eager to see what changes, if any, there have been, and how DirectAdmin compares with not only cPanel, but CyberPanel - a recent alternative to cpanel I experienced and has me very enthusiastic. CyberPanel for me is the equivalent of cPanel without all of its messiness.  So this review will include a comparison with both cPanel and CyberPanel.

If you want to check out my hosting with BladeNode DirectAdmin then you can check it here - it will be a work in progress:

And with Cyberpanel you can check the WP Installation that was created here - also a work in progress:

I've decided to do a series of reviews giving different parts of the DirectAdmin Panel a workout.  This review will be of File Manager and mySQL.

First of all, the DirectAdmin Panel looks completely different to the one I remember of a few years ago.  It looks a bit more like cPanel, however I regret to say, it's not as neatly set out as cPanel nor as intuitive and brilliant as Cyberpanel.   Not sure whether this can be fixed with a different template.  From what I can remember from my previous use of DirectAdmin there were a number of templates available.  But at that time already some of the templates were buggy, meaning every one preferred the old template as the templates could have bugs in them.  Hopefully with the new look current DirectAdmin Panel there are options for BladeNode to develop its own brand of DirectAdmin and to organize the order and layout of the icons better.   With my first use of CyberPanel I didn't have to look for anything.  With my first use now of DirectAdmin I was looking and feeling my way around all of the time.  It felt both clumsy and time consuming compared with my first experience of using CyberPanel, the latter experience of which was completely intuitive and at finger tips.

WordPress Experience
The first test for DirectAdmin with my hosting with Phoenix was to give the File Manager a workout by installing my WordPress installation manually.  That means that I downloaded the script from WordPress, extracted it in my computer.  Then zipped the files and folders for uploading to the root folder of my new sub-domain.  I also needed to create a database, so that would give me the experience of using mySQL in DirectAdmin

File Manager
For File Manager user-friendliness, ease and speed of use I score CyberPanel highest - 10/10, cPanel 8/10 and DirectAdmin 6/10. I remember when I was previously learning how to use DirectAdmin my main criticism vs cpanel was that the links were not as intuitive.  One had to figure them out and learn how to use them.  This is the same with the current File Manager.  I'm used to getting all of the functions that are available for working with the file as logically and instinctively possible. I'm also used to a detailed menu of options on top of the File Manager Window - which is not directly available in DirectAdmin.  One has to look for them in the DirectAdmin File Manager with a scroll down tool here and there. If you click on a file in the File Manager of DirectAdmin, only some of the functions are available on right click.  One then has to learn to hover the mouse over the file instead to get a full list of file manager options.  

I prefer to use File Manager to FTP, as it usually is fastest for me, particularly when I want to do quick edits.  cPanel has always been excellent that way (as is CyberPanel), in that there is an option on top of the File Manager Menu with which to edit files.  Reason I prefer the File Manager for edits is that sometimes with FTP bugs can slip in after the file has been edited and saved.  When one does that in File Manager online there is less of a chance for that to happen.  It also speeds things up.  Unfortunately I was unable to get DirectAdmin file editor to work.  I assume it is the function that is available on rightclick that says "Edit in New Tab".  It wouldn't do it for me.  I'm sure it's probably possible and that one has to figure out something else that needs to happen before it can be edited, but with both cPanel and CyberPanel it's effortless.  Again with DirectAdmin it's clumsy in my experience.

These in summary were the lessons I learned with DirectAdmin tonight:

Lesson 1:  to find all of the options for managing a file, hover the mouse over the file and right-click over it.
Lesson 2:  to upload files you have to navigate to the top menu (next to BladeNode logo) and click on  "upload".
Lesson 3:  "Edit in New Tab" doesn't work for me - probably need to ask why - maybe there is something that needs to happen first?

So for me DirectAdmin File Manager compared with both cPanel and CyberPanel failed at being intuitive or user-friendly. It's a learned experience.  Possibly one can "Edit in New Tab", but again that would be a learned experience too, whereas with cPanel and CyberPanel there is nothing to think about - most of everything is instinctive and intuitive.  Particularly CyberPanel has everything just in the right spot intuitively and also sparsely.  With cPanel there are so many tools that are never used, taking up space that distract the mind from the tools that are regularly used.  With CyberPanel the focus is to have as few tools as possible to speed up and declutter the panel.  Now maybe most of the cPanel users aren't really using File Manager and prefer to use FTP.  So then possibly one doesn't have to worry about this deficiency as much.  Also, once one is used to how the File Manager works in DirectAdmin, maybe it won't be a problem after a few times of use.  One will get used to it ..... until the next time of use.

mySQL experience
For mySQL I score cPanel highest - 10/10, CyberPanel 9/10 and DirectAdmin 6/10.

When I created my WP installation manually, first thing I did was to create a database using the DirectAdmin Panel.  There is one link and icon to "MySQL Management" in DirectAdmin but very little to "manage" in it. Just two tools to create and delete database/database user. First thing that struck and puzzled me was the absence of phpmyAdmin.  I'm still wondering whether I missed it somewhere as I searched through the panel, wondering whether phpmyadmin was in a different section of the panel, but could not find it.

I really like mysql of cpanel, but cyberpanel is excellent too with less tools.  I only score CyberPanel one point less as I like the added details for mySQL in cpanel although one doesn't really need all of them.  CyberPanel also has phpmyadmin.  DirectAdmin doesn't have phpmyadmin.  Possibly it can still be added?  If I missed it and it is there, apologies in advance.
Posted by: deanhills - 01-01-2021, 01:41 AM - Forum: VPS Giveaways - Replies (7)
 21 VPSs are Available
We're aiming at a date of around 5/6th of January for announcing the winners.  

Note that VPS 15 is a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 created with Windows hyper-V 2016.  Rules for using the VPS are strict and only power users with proper justification of using the VPS should apply for the VPS.  

PLEASE study the Terms of Service of the VPS/s you request very carefully BEFORE you apply.

For comparing the VPS Specifications, users can check,2,3,7,9,10,11,12,14,15

  • Users must read and agree to all terms of the SPONSOR (of the VPS which they want) when they apply.  These can be found on our Plans Page.  
  • When you apply, please let us know your preferred OS and the Domain you will be using with the VPS.
Please Read before Applying
  1. Read Our Forum Rules before applying.
  2. You should have met our minimum requirements to get VPS.
  3. Read Application Format before applying. (If the application format is wrong then your Request will be rejected)
  4. You must post your VPS application in VPS Request Forum.
  5. Read TOS of VPS providers before applying.

Posted by: sAmI - 12-31-2020, 07:54 PM - Forum: Test/Informal Chat - Replies (6)
Hello guys!
Happy New Year to everyone to all the P4V Members and Admins! Wishing you all a really great year with all the happiness and joy! 
Stay blessed everyone! Thank you to admins here on P4V for doing a really great job and giving all their efforts for the Members to keep them happy! and almost alot of free hosting forums and hosting are closing down and hope to see P4V Stay Strong for coming years as it has been going strong for many years!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRZ-QyG_DBhLak1g9ruk4...w&usqp=CAU]
Posted by: Honey - 12-31-2020, 05:37 PM - Forum: General Gaming Discussion - Replies (6)
Hey guys,

so today I had this weird question pop up, and I figured It'd be fun to take your opinion on it. 

Nowadays, we've seen a general trend that alot of games are following, ESPECIALLY mobile games.

More and more games are opting for free games with ingame ads and option to buy an ad-free version. However, in the past...from what I remember, old games generally tended to be either premium or ad free, such as Minecraft Pocket Edition, which is still to this date...paid.

What are your opinions on this? Do you prefer having an ad experience or totally a premium experience?

Additionally, what in your opinion has caused this change? Can we credit this to the rise of internet and digital traffic of the world?
Posted by: Shaun8 - 12-31-2020, 04:27 PM - Forum: Suggestions and Feedback - Replies (2)
I was lurking around in this (Suggestions and Feedback) forum when a recent thread caught my eye. I know this has been a controversial topic for a while now. I didn't reply to that thread since my suggestion is a little different from the thread's topic.

One of the reasons why VPS providers give VPS is that they want to help newcomers learn how it is managed and properly run. Also, they want to encourage developers and webmasters who can't afford server hosting. The problems with this method is that eventually the VPS holder may become inactive or the server is not being used to its capacity. I know the monthly post count exists to tackle this issue. Although, what if the holders could post a thread about the project they are working on which is hosted on the VPS. They could update it every month giving a summary of the changes on their website or code. The reason behind this is they can show their gratitude for the VPS provider other than the usual leaving a review. In this way, they get 1 more post to their monthly post count. Maybe, even a special section for this purpose.

This is just a suggestion for the VPS holders. Let me know if you have anything to add to this idea or if I missed out on something.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
Posted by: phoenixwolf - 12-30-2020, 10:54 PM - Forum: Other Free Service Providers - Replies (27)
Hello, Posters is going to be offering premium Directadmin Web hosting in late January or early February of 2021. Due to the recent hike in cPanel prices, I have decided to offer DirectAdmin shared hosting and hopefully completely replace my shared hosting market. I manage over 1200 cPanel accounts worldwide and would love to lower my costs.

I have not used DirectAdmin in years and just now relearning how to use it again. I need beta testers to test out my web hosting and let me know how well it runs. It is essential to get the bugs out before paying clients to start using it.

You get to keep this account after the beta test is over.  

So what do I get?
2GB of NVM Storage
30GB bandwidth
1 Domain (free domains allowed or 
5 sub-domains
3 email accounts
5 Mysql Databases
5 FTP Accounts
Softaculous App Installer
Cloudlinux Powered
PHP Selector (PHP 7.4 or 7.3)
NGINX & Apache
DDOS Protection
New York Data Center

Must follow my terms of services. (

Must be a member of this forum

Please tell me below why you want free hosting and what you will be using it for.

You must give me a report via direct message or somewhere on the forums if admins allow it. The information must include how you like the hosting and if you have found any problems. 

You are the owner of this account and 100% responsible for it. I have measures in place to protect my network and my servers. I have 0 tolerance for abusers and will be terminated faster than you can say, baby Yoda.

Please understand that you will be placed with real paying clients. Please don't abuse this gift. 

I will request a close on this thread once I have enough beta testers.  

How do I get support?

Please submit all support related issues via

How Do I get this sweet deal?
Please post below with:
a username (8 characters max)
a domain name or subdomain (
a reason why you want free hosting and what you will be using it for.
Agree to the terms of services. 

All account information will be sent via direct message.

BladeNode Web Hosting
Posted by: deanhills - 12-30-2020, 10:13 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)
Please note the following VPS Holders still have missing posts for December.  

Note: If your name is not in the list below this means you have completed the number of posts for this month.

VPS Holders with missing posts:
@Rehan   -   7
@sohamb03   -   10
@LightDestory   -   17

Failure to complete the required 20 will result in loss of use of the VPS.  The VPS will be powered down.  If you then wish to keep the VPS you will have the opportunity to reapply for it at the next Giveaway, with a penalty of 100$.
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