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Games you still playing BUT should have stopped playing
The game that I should have stopped playing but I am still playing is Age of Mythology. It is an old classic strategy game. It was so much fun back then. But still I play it some times. It is game similar to Age of Empires.
(12-18-2019, 10:08 AM)xdude Wrote: @rudra

Here it is,

To enjoy this game you must be a StarWars fan and into real-time strategy games. Its massive Encyclopedia on StarWars stuff like Planets, personal, ships, etc alone teaches you lots of stuff. It was way ahead of its time as a real-time strategy game so it took a while for StarWars fans to recognize it.

so you are a nerd then ? hehe

i am a star wars and Sci-Fi lover. though i think star Trek series were better. even the new series, the mandalorian was cool too ! with its tiny baby yoda. oh sorry. that's star wars ! my bad.

i kind of like turn based strategy games more. you get time to think. RTS is kinda hurrying you along to be faster and micromanage and engage in clickfest. that is horrible.

what do you say ?
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
Recently started playing Synergy which is a mod of Half Life 2 allow playing half life 2 story multiplayer. half life 2 is a pretty old game but the story is on point, I really can't wait to play Half Life Alyx.
Thanks to ReadyDedis and Post4VPS for the amazing VPS 7!

(05-27-2020, 06:08 PM)Abdul Sami Wrote: Recently started playing Synergy which is a mod of Half Life 2 allow playing half life 2 story multiplayer. half life 2 is a pretty old game but the story is on point, I really can't wait to play Half Life Alyx.

yes the story is great but unfortunately it is stuck on cliffhanger on episode 2 due to valve have no interest to continue the series at that time . HL alyx have fix the cliffhanger . sort of . if you want to play dont rush it . wait for VR to be inexpensive enough and the game is probably will be cheaper
humanpuff69@FPAX:~$ Thanks To Shadow Hosting And Post4VPS for VPS 5
(05-27-2020, 05:35 PM)rudra Wrote: so you are a nerd then ? hehe

i am a star wars and Sci-Fi lover. though i think star Trek series were better. even the new series, the mandalorian was cool too ! with its tiny baby yoda. oh sorry. that's star wars ! my bad.

i kind of like turn based strategy games more. you get time to think. RTS is kinda hurrying you along to be faster and micromanage and engage in clickfest. that is horrible.

what do you say ?

Have been a StarWars fan since age 12. I can say I'm an above average fan. Average fan knows only about the characters and story-line in those movies. But the whole story goes 1000's year back as well as into future after the Battle for Yavin. I love reading stories of past and future time-lines.

I don't mind both RTS and turn base games. RTS games need much more focus. I think those games are great if you want to train your mind to be on one thing. Turn base games are better if you like to play slow pace. Some of those RTS games look so simple on surface but so complicated when you get into the game.

BTW if you are a StarTrek fan then I'm sure you will love the new TV series Star Trek: Picard. This one is a really good series.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

haha. I'm already done watching that Picard series. waiting for more. i did when it started coming out. can't wait for sci-fi. i love sci-fi. i kind of live in a dream state... lol. i believe there will come a time when we will have much more power to churn data real time inside out head and will have kind of a programmed urge to be fanatically logical and data driven and not be emotionally driven with huge ego....arrrg

RTS is good. as long as it does not become a clickfest. but it usually does. just see the age of empires games. the faster you click and manage things the better off you are.

i have read some old start wars comics too. i love those stories.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
Those games like Age of Empires, Age of Mythologies are quite simple ( early version still version 3). Once you recognize patterns you become invisible even in hard modes. Modern RTS games are quite advanced and clicking alone won't take you to victory. Players have to create complex plans and execute those. This goes for the game I mentioned in first post, StarWars Rebellion and also other early games like HomeWorld (1999), Sins of a Solar Empire (2008), Battlefleet Gothic, Stellaris etc. I think usually clickfests happening on those shooter games.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~


thanks for elaborating on that. i think it must be really very hard to make a very enjoyable game (didn't add memorable.... only making enjoyable seems hard enough to plan).

it should not become a clickfest. if it is so that the bigger spreadsheet warrior you are, the better to win it, that is a big no no too. so it must be very very challenging to create the right mix of strategy and optimizability potential along with impressive story and fun activities. really wonderful and curious !!

What gets me even more is the number of apps and games on play store !!!

thanks for the names of the games. i will keep them in my notes and try at a later date when i get time.

by the way, did you ever play the mini game called Limbo ?
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
(12-16-2019, 05:15 PM)xdude Wrote: Even when you are not a die-hard gamer, there might be games which you can't stop playing. I'm not a gamer and haven't installed any latest games for a long long time. But there are 2 games so far I couldn't stop playing. I should have stopped long ago but I just couldn't or more like don't want to.

The first one is a browser game called Elvenar. This is my biggest problem. It's a boring city building game from INNO. I have been playing this like for 3 years now. It takes like one hour every single day. I just play the game because of the people I have met there. Now it has become a part of the daily routine of mine.

The second one is an ancient game. It's is a real-time strategy game released in 1998. That makes it nearly 20 years old. This game should have become obsolete and long gone. But it seems there is a faithful crowd of fans who would make it work for the current Windows system. At least it works fine in Windows 7 and previous. It's a quite rough and massive complicated game that has no in-game tutorials or guides. Compared to it's time this game has taken strategy gaming on an epic scale. I think I first played it like in 2005 or 2006 but still haven't got bored it with.

So do you guys have a game or 2 which you can't just leave and move on? Smile
[quote pid='32604' dateline='1576516536']
I have been playing mta for 5 years and I am really  addicted to it and I play on different servers of this game every day and it is really enjoyable, especially Saur server.


But I have to stop this game because I work. I streamed and made money two years ago, but it didn't make much money, so I quit. However, playing under the age of 15 is fun, and after that we have to give up all games.

This is second time I'm writing this post. I wrote an one long post but close the browser without posting it. Sad

No, I haven't played this game called Limbo. Sounds like a Horror game. xD. also I don't play phone games at all. Only game I have ever played on phone is Candy Crush and its even just couple of months.

I don't think RTS games are all about clicking. But That how those Facebook games like Barn Buddy and many other App games are like. Nothing but just clicking. No planning need. Also Game Development has evolved with time. Age of Empire first released in 1997. I think I first played it around 2001 or 2002. Even then it was considered a good game but by then there were far more advance RTS games were already released. Now after like 20 years modern RTS games are so advance and we feels like those early games so simple. These days games are more focused on mass playing than single player mode. You no longer find patterns since you are playing against other humans. Even when you play against computer it's not easy as before. Game Algorithms are so advance these nearly feels like full-fledged AI's.

BTW what is the last RTS game you have played? I no longer can play those new games since my poor desktop is not powerful enough. So I still search for dacade old games which I missed.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

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