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Please welcome our Sponsor ReadyDedis - New VPS Plan 7 (5 locations)
Another VPS to the stock!

It's very nice to see this VPSs get added to our forum! It will make more possibilities for users.

Welcome board ReadyDedis!
It is a really great news for us. In 2020 we lost many VPS's. I felt like 2020 will be the worst year for Post4VPS. Now in this hard time we got more then 5 new VPS's. We thank to our new sponsor ReadDedis. Welcome to Post4VPS.

Thanks to Post4VPS and Hostlease for their great services.  
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Sponsors: VirMach - Host4Fun - CubeData - Evolution-Host - HostDare - Hyper Expert - Shadow Hosting - Bladenode - Hostlease - RackNerd - ReadyDedis - Limitless Hosting