05-24-2019, 03:55 PM
(05-24-2019, 04:24 AM)deanhills Wrote: That is so true. Particularly of Google who seems to be wanting to please all Governments including the US Government and the FBI. For Google I think its main objective before love of country is always the US dollar. Ditto Huawei who I'm sure does anything with great calculation with the main objective of making money. I'm sure the founder of Huawei must already have written off the backlash as collateral damage.
Companies want their shareholders to be happy and profits make them happy. I don't think Chinese government would let Huawei . Plus I doubt US regulators want to push too hard either. If company like Huawei create a better OS and start doing everything in house that going to cost many companies who do sub contracts for them. I think people got paniced for no reason since this doesn't effect current Huawei models.