09-15-2019, 01:36 AM
A few notes of my personal point of view.
I don't really post here much because it is a substantial investment of time and I don't have any great interest in having a vps at this time. However, in the past I was active in a few p2h communities which were very beneficial to me: I learned a lot. I also appreciate that this is the last surviving p2h where one can get a vps, and I would hate to see it go. In the interest of preserving the community for the future I thought I would chip in a few thoughts and ideas.
To me, the quality of a post should count more than the number. If a member spends 10 hours writing a great tutorial that brings in traffic and new members, isn't that better than someone who spends 10 minutes on a paragraph every day saying nothing innovative or greatly useful? I think most people would agree. Yet under the current system, the latter wins the vps and the former stops posting because no one has that much time.
How to track the points? With limited staff and no ready made automation to grade posts, it seems impossible. However, if I'm reading correctly, there are unclaimed vps around. Why not ask a qualified volunteer or 2 or 3 to grade posts in their area of expertise in exchange for a good vps? And use this grading to determine who wins the giveaways rather than post count/word count.
I saw someone mention the idea of partnering with other sites: I think this is a good idea, but I'll take it one step further. In addition to post count, you could also have people post on other forums/social networks about p4vps for points towards vps. How to manage it? See above paragraph.
So much discussion on post/activity requirements and is it fair... My take on it: less desirable vps should be easier to get than the better ones. Keep the best vps hard to get.
I wonder if you could work it out with sponsors to get smaller vps for newer members, like after 5 posts you can get vps with few ip6 ips or ip4 with a few ports only, 500mb ram/disc and 5gb data. It would be not practical for any large production but could be very suitable for someone new to learn on.
Lastly I want to say this as an expression of my opinion only. Some may disagree and that's ok. To make the community flourish you need more than clever scripts and moderating. What you need is for people who love the community to put in time and effort out of love. Nothing worth having comes easy and you can only get out what you put in. There is no amount of automation that can make the difference of one person who cares.
I hope these comments are well received and have not offended anyone. My only intent is to offer some food for thought.
Good day to you all. See ya round the milk bowl.
I don't really post here much because it is a substantial investment of time and I don't have any great interest in having a vps at this time. However, in the past I was active in a few p2h communities which were very beneficial to me: I learned a lot. I also appreciate that this is the last surviving p2h where one can get a vps, and I would hate to see it go. In the interest of preserving the community for the future I thought I would chip in a few thoughts and ideas.
To me, the quality of a post should count more than the number. If a member spends 10 hours writing a great tutorial that brings in traffic and new members, isn't that better than someone who spends 10 minutes on a paragraph every day saying nothing innovative or greatly useful? I think most people would agree. Yet under the current system, the latter wins the vps and the former stops posting because no one has that much time.
How to track the points? With limited staff and no ready made automation to grade posts, it seems impossible. However, if I'm reading correctly, there are unclaimed vps around. Why not ask a qualified volunteer or 2 or 3 to grade posts in their area of expertise in exchange for a good vps? And use this grading to determine who wins the giveaways rather than post count/word count.
I saw someone mention the idea of partnering with other sites: I think this is a good idea, but I'll take it one step further. In addition to post count, you could also have people post on other forums/social networks about p4vps for points towards vps. How to manage it? See above paragraph.
So much discussion on post/activity requirements and is it fair... My take on it: less desirable vps should be easier to get than the better ones. Keep the best vps hard to get.
I wonder if you could work it out with sponsors to get smaller vps for newer members, like after 5 posts you can get vps with few ip6 ips or ip4 with a few ports only, 500mb ram/disc and 5gb data. It would be not practical for any large production but could be very suitable for someone new to learn on.
Lastly I want to say this as an expression of my opinion only. Some may disagree and that's ok. To make the community flourish you need more than clever scripts and moderating. What you need is for people who love the community to put in time and effort out of love. Nothing worth having comes easy and you can only get out what you put in. There is no amount of automation that can make the difference of one person who cares.
I hope these comments are well received and have not offended anyone. My only intent is to offer some food for thought.
Good day to you all. See ya round the milk bowl.