
Poll: Android or iOS
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Android or IOS?
In My opinion Android is more open source and user friendly. and wast connectivity range for different kind of devices.
Android is upgraded faster then iOS. you can get millions of apps games on android freely. that you can't get on iOS.
you can attach your Printer with Android and connect it via NFC, BT, DLNA, Direct WIFI etc ...
You can safe your data on any other PC laptop etc..
You can share things easily
You can customize your device and root your device easily
exchange data even other brand models. no worries.
But lack of security as compare to iOS

iOS is too limited to transfer data. even BT is not connect any other device except iOS.
Upgradation is too lazy and limited.
almost same visual graphics and interface if you see iphone 4 5 6 ipod 4 5 etc..
you can not copy data to your pc without internet or specific apps like itunes icloud etc..
too difficult to root or jailbreak.
no custom Roms
Lack of hard and soft buttons. only one button to do almost all. so that's why many many apps was working on background eating RAM and Battery.
non removable battery that's why high prices go down even after one year.
if any damage. too difficult to find out device parts and mechanic.
One best thing is that. sleek look and tuff security. protect your data as in past like Blackberry.

So this was my analysis. Hope you like.
I am voting for "Andoid" because it is the most used software all over the world + u can install all the programs from it even the paid programs u can install it from Google and licence it too from any program as Lucky Patcher.

Note: that not mean that IOS software is bad but it looks cleaner than Android software.
@sagher "more opensource" is not the correct phrase. The base OS of android is open source. The Google ecosystem isn't.

iOS is upgraded much faster and longer than Android.
You can also get a crap ton of free apps on iOS.
You can also print on an iOS device. (Although it's proprietary.)
Safe? (save?) You can save data to your PC.
You can share easily as well.
Customization? I've yet to see people customize their android devices that much. Those famous launchers and keyboards? Makes a lot of devices laggy as fuck.
Root? It's not as easy as you think on a lot of devices. This can involve flashing things. Sometimes even Flashing using odin (or something similar) which can brick your phone if done incorrectly.
You can exchange data with iOS and android. The famous app called ShareIT can. Nobody uses bluetooth to transfer files now. (At least in my place)

Read last line above.
"Limited Upgradation"? You mean limited upgrades? How is it limited? Doesn't make sense.
The almost the same interface is to have continuity. I hate the fact that a lot of android devices have different layouts and shiz. It's hard to navigate.
You can. I do this all the time.
Not an issue for me.
Non removal battery also exists in almost every flagship android device Dodgy
YOU HAVEN'T REPAIRED AN iPHONE YET. I'll take an iPhone to repair over android devices anytime. Hell, even software repairs are a fuckton easier. Replace battery? That's easy as removing 2 screws in the bottom, lifting the screen up. Disconnecting the battery. Prying it. placing new battery. etc etc. Please. The samsung S7 is a fuckton harder to repair.

Before you go "OH ANOTHER FUCKING APPLE FAN", I'm an android user as well. I use both. I even use RemixOS a lot on my pc. I enjoy both.

If your only purpose on preferring android is for piracy, you don't have a valid point. - Free VPSs!
I am happy with Marshmallow. Especially how it deals with permissions. You need not pay a premium to live with it. I don't mind spending for an iPhone. But Apple's history of supporting older versions is not encouraging.
Thanks  @Post4VPS

i would choose android as best. so far all the mobile devices i own is an android
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(02-06-2017, 12:42 AM)meetdilip Wrote: I am happy with Marshmallow. Especially how it deals with permissions. You need not pay a premium to live with it. I don't mind spending for an iPhone. But Apple's history of supporting older versions is not encouraging.

Marshmallow is so buggy, just check out the bugs of battery. A lot of problems, not sure why they do not fix bugs before releasing.
Agreed with @Lampard . Many my old apllication force close . But i hope android dev team will fix the MarshMallow

Different like IOS . IOS system look like more stable and less bugs . Just my opinion
Sorry for My Bad English
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both of os are better in some way but i will tell you the pros and cons of the os

android is a great os . it is have more wide hardware selection that mean there are many android device to choose from . from the low end to the high end . because of that android is more popular in emerging country and ended up more popular in the world . android market share recently surpass windows pc market share because smartphone is easier to use for some people and it is much portable than a laptop making no reason to have a pc or a laptop but for some people like me pc is still needed . there is still some task that is hard to acomplish with touchscreen and android os . like peneteration testing for example . there are almost no peneteration testing app on android and also developing an app . to develop an android app you need a pc and for web development you can technically do that on a smartphone but it will be frustating as hell . and content creating . even though there are a lot of video editor on android i still prefer the desktop video editor because i can make a precision timing and that is hard on a smartphone . and even though smartphone are getting powerfull this days it probably never beats pc graphic . just compare snapdragon 835 with a pc with i7 6950x with gtx titan xp . not even close . android also is can be much more customizable than ios . i see that most jailbreak tweak use ios default ui . it is not a bad thing but its make customizetatio n limited . not only that without root/jb android can be much costumizeable . but there are a cons to android . for example . android is not as stable as ios . most android device doesnt get update .

ios on the other hand is actually have better performance in single core but multi threaded is android slightly better because of moar core . most android phone this day have 8 core and ios phone have 2 core but ios phone can deliver similar fi not better performance than android counterpart . this is more likely because the apple A cpu archtitecture and os opitmization because apple have both the hardware and software . google already trying this with pixel and the result is well the performance is the same but it is much smoother than other android phone and the camera is win the dxo mark . the weakness of ios is that ios have less costumization and hard to jail break . ios 10.2 is probably the last version tob e jail broken because apple keep improving their security

so consclusion . if you want more choice and costumization choose android . and if you just need a phone for accesing social media ios is better because a single core perormance is better

if you have different opinion comment below
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(02-24-2017, 06:48 PM)Lampard Wrote: Marshmallow is so buggy, just check out the bugs of battery. A lot of problems, not sure why they do not fix bugs before releasing.

yeah i read an article talk about battery problem on M, but i dont mind that because 4k mAh is enough for me and i connected to wifi network mostly
Many thanks to Abc-Hosters LLC and post4vps for the VPS 3  Party

- Sorry for my bad English

(11-05-2016, 04:05 PM)YOuNeS_Dz Wrote: well i think Android better then IOS
Android easy to use/understand Smile

but i think IOS have great security than adroid
Many thanks to Abc-Hosters LLC and post4vps for the VPS 3  Party

- Sorry for my bad English

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