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[ADDED]Monthly Post Counter Plugin
just read it. this is awesome ! i very much support the idea.

i would also like to know if you guys are going to release the plugin for others ? as a foss software may be.

would really like to read the source. Big Grin
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
Hmm, I still don't get how the quality counter counts quality of the post? Is it based on length? How many lines it is? How sophisticated the word? Or something else entirely? I kinda feel like its based on length.
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
(11-29-2018, 04:25 AM)Kururin Wrote: Hmm, I still don't get how the quality counter counts quality of the post? Is it based on length? How many lines it is? How sophisticated the word? Or something else entirely? I kinda feel like its based on length.

Try not to look at the quality credit points as part of your dollar credits.  See it as something that is separate for a different purpose and only valid for one day.  If you have more than 3 credit points in a given day, they will turn to green.  Which means that your posts in addition to the fourth post can be credited as part of your 20 posts for hosting.  If you have less than 3 credit points for the day, posts in addition to the fourth post won't be credited.  The philosophy behind this is to prevent one-liner bulk spam posts at the end of the month when members scramble to make their 20 VPS posts.  At the end of that given day the quality credit counter gets reset to zero.  So it functions mostly as a green light that comes into effect after 3 quality credit points for the day have been earned.

Not sure what the formula for the credit points is, but I'm sure you're right that it factors length. Would be great if @Dynamo & staff could share the formula by perhaps submitting it to myBB as a plugin. If they could do that, they'd get enough recognition for it so that it wouldn't be plagiarized.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
@rudra you can send @Dynamo PM if you are allowed for a copy ot it.

@deanhills is correct. I also notice that the longer your paragraph is the high credits you get and ofcourse once you get green quality credits you can post more than 4 that will counts on your monthly post counter.
It requires some time to recognize how much professional this addition to the forum. The Quality Credits seems to be useful for the forum and also won't hurt the users who post more than four posts. The idea is superb and will help to reduce bulk posting of single liners. It will help to reduce the quality of the forum automatically. Thumbs up to the coding team.

Thank you  Sweet

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