
Poll: What's your COVID-19 vaccination status?
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Fully vaccinated (2 shots)
Vaccinated (1 dose)
Not vaccinated but waiting my turn
Not intending to get vaccinated!
Undecided - still thinking about it
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COVID-19 Vaccination Status inside Post4VPS Community
(06-07-2021, 03:27 AM)mzltest Wrote: [...]

And yes,though here we do not use imported vaccines,I knew there are some blood clotting cases using AZ.I prefer not to comment on the issues but at least if you don't want to take the risk,you should follow the basic santiziation standards - at least don't spread the virus.
As far as I understand a large percentage of blood clotting are among women who take hormones. I'd imagine any person with underlying chronic issues like Diabetes, thyroid, Alzheimers, Tuberculosis, etc .... should consult with medical professionals before they do vaccination. In fact, I'd hope that those administering the vaccines have a standard protocol sheet of questions to ask that include warnings of who should not be taking the vaccine.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
(06-07-2021, 07:23 PM)deanhills Wrote: As far as I understand a large percentage of blood clotting are among women who take hormones.  I'd imagine any person with underlying chronic issues like Diabetes, thyroid, Alzheimers, Tuberculosis, etc .... should consult with medical professionals before they do vaccination.  In fact, I'd hope that those administering the vaccines have a standard protocol sheet of questions to ask that include warnings of who should not be taking the vaccine.
Here we have pre-shot consultion,but in most cases they just ask you whether you have the conditions listed on the paper that are not suggested to take that shot(under 18yrs,allergic to vaccines,just shot another kind of vaccine,have serious diseases etc).This is required to have your shot,and need the doctor who checked the condition to sign on your application to make sure they did the process.

The pre-shot consultion is needed and should be set as mandortary ,also, should update with time.And I was wondering it should be some kind of standard in many countries.

And just knew "New York to end Covid-19 restrictions once state reaches 70% vaccination"(,herd immunication starts at 60% in ideal situations.But it is real situation and they may risk lives if they lift these measures too early.
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Just when South Africa was picking up a little in "speed" with its very behind vaccination effort, it receives a big whammy.  FDA has told Johnson & Johnson to dump 60 million of its doses.  These have been considered to be contaminated:

This effects 2-million doses in South Africa that can no longer be used.  It will probably have to wait for a new supply that has to be delivered in accordance with the contract with J&J.  And now mass panic and scrambling for finding suitable vaccines from other sources like Russia and China has started.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
In Pakistan, Govt are taken stricken steps to aware people to be vaccinated. hence already majority of above 50 are vaccinated.
Now the new release is to get strict action on unvaccinated persons.
According to new rules the person who will not willing to be vaccinated are not get travel tickets "domestic/International)
They can not regularized there cellular Sim Card. or blocked after a specific time.
They can not get admission to any school, collage, university.
They can't get any license e.g. (Driving, security, business)

All of these steps are announced by Govt to make awareness in citizens to be vaccinated.
(06-15-2021, 05:11 AM)sagher Wrote: In Pakistan, Govt are taken stricken steps to aware people to be vaccinated. hence already majority of above 50 are vaccinated.
Now the new release is to get strict action on unvaccinated persons.
According to new rules the person who will not willing to be vaccinated are not get travel tickets "domestic/International)  
They can not regularized there cellular Sim Card. or blocked after a specific time.
They can not get admission to any school, collage, university.
They can't get any license e.g. (Driving, security, business)    

All of these steps are announced by Govt to make awareness in citizens to be vaccinated.

Country:  Fully vaxxed : Partially vaxxed
Pakistan: 1.3% : 2.5%

May be that's why they are starting to role out the big-stick kind of policies to compel an already skeptic population towards vaccines in general.

Millions of Pakistanis threatened with cell phone cut-off if they don't get a COVID vaccine

By contrast, I've learned that, in the US, the states are starting to bribe their residents into getting vaccinated by all kind of incentives from buying them drinks to winning a million bucks in lotteries!!.. That's just ridiculous and void the act of getting vaccinated from its meaning.
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Germany: 26.2% fully vaccinated and 48.4% partially vaccinated.

We have a dashboard with a lot of data regarding that stuff:

Mostly used vaccine is BioNTech/Pfizer followed by AstraZeneca and after that Moderna.

I'm about to be vaccinated during the next month with the first dosis (partially) and one month later with the second dosis (fully). Most likely with BioNTech/Pfizer.
[Image: zHHqO5Q.png]
Got my second vaccine today. I don't feel anything (yet) and I hope I don't feel any. The first dose I'm a little bit sleepy but this dose isn't. Oh well, now I'm fully vaccinated!
Thanks to Limitless Hosting and Post4VPS for providing me excellent VPS 13!
Already took my two shots of Pfizer. I had literally no reaction except hand pain and Its been like 3 months already from when I took it. I been hearing about getting a booster dose. But not sure If I will need it. But my shot was mostly reaction-less.
No one knows what the future holds, that's why its potential is infinite
So, as the title says... let's speak about our country's health care.

Here in Italy we started offering vaccine to every age, we got a per-age vaccine suggestion...

Right now the most used vaccine are: Pfizer, Moderna and J&J. Astrazeneca is not used anymore here.

I got the first dose of Pfizer and I am on list for the second dose on the second week of July.

After the injection my arm hurt for likely 1 day but nothing extreme. Now I am fine, no side-effects Smile

I am still unable to connect myself to 5G, unfortunately (joking).

And you?

Tell me about your experience.
Thanks to Post4VPS and Bladenodefor VPS 14
In India, the young generation has not yet received covid vaccines in common. I am also one of them. People older than 45 years and people who are working in emergency departments etc are given preference. But two days ago government has decided to remove this preference and give chance to everyone. We use Covaxin and Covishield here. Government announced free vaccination. But in private hospitals we can have other vaccines too.
The stock of vaccines are not still enough, preregistration is required for getting vaccinated.

Thank you  Sweet

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