
Chatbox or Discord Server
It would be nice to have either a Chatbox or a Discord server for the community so we could all get together and just gab off in a less formal way than the forums. I think that would help with keeping posts meaningful, not that that has been an issue from what I have seen.
Thank you to CubeData and Posts4VPS for the services of VPS 8.
i tried a unofficial discord server but it never catches on.
also for a good reason that on discord posts (messages) don't count to monthly posts to maintain the vps.

so using chat box would be better.
Yeah right on, I have been in other communities in the past, and it was always a fun place to be able to connect and just chat about whatever the stream of consciousness is for the group. I noticed too, that off-topic replies and discussions were also brought down a good deal because all that riff raff happened in the chat box. If the chatbox was to be a supplemental feature to monthly post, maybe having them count for like 1/16th of a post might be good, that way you still have to really work for it and be an engaged member of the community.
Thank you to CubeData and Posts4VPS for the services of VPS 8.
(09-21-2020, 02:12 PM)tbelldesignco Wrote: Yeah right on, I have been in other communities in the past, and it was always a fun place to be able to connect and just chat about whatever the stream of consciousness is for the group. I noticed too, that off-topic replies and discussions were also brought down a good deal because all that riff raff happened in the chat box. If the chatbox was to be a supplemental feature to monthly post, maybe having them count for like 1/16th of a post might be good, that way you still have to really work for it and be an engaged member of the community.

if we going to add discord or a chatter to the monthly post count that will increase @deanhills work load by a heavy amount.
it also decentralize where posts count.
Fair enough! I must have misinterpreted your previous post, but yes that does make sense!
Thank you to CubeData and Posts4VPS for the services of VPS 8.
@tbelldesignco  Further to @perry's feedback.  If you check through this Forum you will find a few discussions on this suggestion. Some of the members do have Discord Forums, and may invite you to join.  I know perry has one.  But Post4VPS Forum wise, we seem to have gotten in the habit of chatting in the Shoutbox, so please feel free to chat in the Shoutbox if you want to start an informal chat.  Otherwise if you check through the Feedback Forum you may find links to Discord Forums and join if you like.

I personally don't like DisCord that much as I find it fickle with security needing to receive an e-mail when I sign in because I prefer not to opt for 2 factor authentication.  I have however participated in the odd Discord discussion - usually a private one to help with the Forum.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
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