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Corona Virus ? where did this come from ?
Oh thats bad, how did they take a decision like that? And what is the benefits from this..
How can they release 19,000 prisoners and they can go allover the world?!
Also there is something we all know that all of these covid statistics are fake and there is more than cases but they don't know yet..

Also i have a question, is your schools with a grades delayed or cancelled and a graduated to the next grade?
Because im aware from starting back the schools on exams time while people already thought that its cancelled <--- Egypt didn't cancel them but im asking about the other countries
(04-23-2020, 10:43 AM)Abdul Sami Wrote: well, thats actually weird, Is there any unlimited package available in India? Where do you live in India btw, I love to have some information about ISP's and stuff.

In pakistan, Internet connections are going weird, In the night time like 9PM till 12PM Packet losses shoot up to 50%. A famous ISP blocked it routes to SEA servers so the players can't play games like CSGO. Except for Packet Loss everything seems to be fine till now atleast for my ISP. Now most of the ISP are providing Unlimited Packages outanowhere for money maybe? and naming it as "QUARANTINE PACKAGE". 
On the other hand, This lockdown situation has created a mess here. Well yesterday went to get a haircut. Usually around 3$, Yesterday he said he would charge 10$. ..... *Speechless*

True @Abdul Sami . that's because we are never be like a nationalist. we just think about ourself benefits. we loot whenever nation is in trouble. and when someone is try to stand against any mafia. they named with "Qadiyani" Anti-Muslim bla bla...  I wish next generation take right step to make a nation and fight like Germans who eat only potato for about 10 to 15 years when the nation is in crisis.

And the Internet you talk about. in my opinion PTCL is the best deal with 20Mbps of door to door fiber optic and unlimited downloads with just $30 to $35 and also available 100Mbps for $55 to $60. for a month.
(05-09-2020, 04:14 PM)youssefbasha Wrote: Oh thats bad, how did they take a decision like that? And what is the benefits from this..
How can they release 19,000 prisoners and they can go allover the world?!
Also there is something we all know that all of these covid statistics are fake and there is more than cases but they don't know yet..

Also i have a question, is your schools with a grades delayed or cancelled and a graduated to the next grade?
Because im aware from starting back the schools on exams time while people already thought that its cancelled <--- Egypt didn't cancel them but im asking about the other countries

No, the schools here are still on their planned curriculum.  They are going to gradually restart schools from 1st of June, and then cut the 3-week holiday in June and 2-week holiday to a long weekend in October.  That is the plan for now.  But thing is the restrictions on schools are horrific as they were already short of space in class rooms, and now with the need for social distancing, not sure whether they will be able to fulfill the Government restrictions.  Also parents are nervous here in South Africa and are thinking of holding their children back from school for the rest of the academic year.  So it's not only Government but the parents who are "cancelling" school for their children until the end of the year, like do home schooling instead.  But of the kind that of course doesn't earn any credits, and next year children that are held back by parents will restart the same school year.

I agree with your point of view of covid statistics being mismanaged and sometimes maybe even manipulated.  I guess the quality of the statistics is directly related to the status of the system that is behind it.  Like the quality of results in Germany for example would be on a way different standard than in the province where I live in South Africa.  Like you can't compare it.  So one can't really compare statistics from one country to another.  Also, there is the factor of the more tests countries do, the more cases they would have.  So the less tests you do, the lest cases can potentially be registered. One can't register a case without a test.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
now I am frustrated with the current situation in Indonesia!

the government imposes national scale restrictions!

but now there are already many residents who don't feel at home!
Even though these restrictions have been applied, there are still many people who still roam outside the home!
Even yesterday the mall was very crowded, because residents flocked to buy the needs of Eid al-Fitr!

note: i'm sick, i need to rest with a cooler on my head!

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(05-21-2020, 10:30 AM)chanalku91 Wrote: now I am frustrated with the current situation in Indonesia!

Every one is frustrated with their Governments. You just have to check the country news. Where I am also the same. Like people are taking the Government to court to get a definition of the difference between an emergency situation and a disaster situation. Although the way the Government is acting, the emergency can easily turn into a disaster through their continuing to lock everything down. It's now reached the point where the lockdown is causing deaths through starvation, and also since there is such a huge percentage of HIV and TB cases, they can't get to the centers for their medicine because of the lockdown and dying as well. People are hungry and food parcels intended for them aren't getting to them. So crime is increasing. And lots of hardship. So yes, South Africa has many unhappy citizens, so has the US, Brazil, Chile, UK, everywhere. They only seem to be happy in China. Tongue
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
(05-22-2020, 05:51 AM)deanhills Wrote: ..... So yes, South Africa has many unhappy citizens, so has the US, Brazil, Chile, UK, everywhere. They only seem to be happy in China. Tongue

It seems that apart from China, there are a few more countries which handle the situation quite well during the lockdown period.

South korea is a good example, according to what I have read from the internet news. Germany should be another one. The virus impact on Taiwan has also been so little. Perhaps other governments should learn from them. Smile

Seems like poor countries are unable to handle lock down due to poverty. These countries are having problem within the country itself. Also, the examination of the virus is costly in such countries. And, people are lacking mouth masks. Food hunger is also becoming a issue. There may be more people dying of hunger than the disease itself in poor countries.
(05-27-2020, 10:53 AM)TimeRider Wrote: Seems like poor countries are unable to handle lock down due to poverty. These countries are having problem within the country itself. Also, the examination of the virus is costly in such countries. And, people are lacking mouth masks. Food hunger is also becoming a issue. There may be more people dying of hunger than the disease itself in poor countries.

I can totally relate with that. 

Today, the building opposite the one I live in got sealed. 
The municipal authorities gave everyone strict instructions to not get tested because of how poorly our medical system has been in coping up with the threat of this pandemic. Our government lies to us, they release inaccurate information about the cases involved and have now somehow shown a downward trend, a decreasing number of cases in the country. I wonder why that is? Maybe because people are not allowed to get tested.

I was furious when I found out about this. 
They will do whatever they have to, to get us back to work because our economic collapse is inevitable! 

P.S. This is India.

what ! you are here ! in India !

yes. i noted that downward trend too ! that's impossible from what i can see around our place !

please don't say you are from West Bengal ! lol . i like your English !

I'm also wondering how can some people claim that we are going to peak at total number of new patients per day within the next month or so. that's really weird !
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
here is a slightly old article with lots of reference and work on the source. you can find updates on this. there is no conclusive work yet on the source..

but this article is good enough, technical...

India has started showing really big numbers. but what i hear from friends at the frontline of the war against Corona virus is that we needed much more testing, better planned but localized isolations and contact tracing. the states where they did this are almost Corona free. the other states are mostly playing game of blaming others.... the old game of politics... this is sad Sad

re. this is a VERY GOOD ARTICLE and worthy of being put in the initial post or something. everyone interested in researching or reading up on the source of this pandemic and the work being done to determine that conclusively will have to go through it.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
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