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(05-15-2020, 03:37 AM)Pacific Spirit Wrote: @deanhills, the reason that there is not a fixed post / points on the forum for our vpses is because we offer 5 different vpses, a newcomer can already claim a vpses with 40/5 points / posts. These points are easy to earn with us, when creating good threads / posts it can yield a number of points, the higher the posts the better the specs of the vps they can get. That is more the idea we see to keep the forum livable.

OK get it @Pacific Spirit Sounds like a good plan and careful thought has been put in the plans.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
@Pacific Spirit

I think I need your help here.

I have registered on the LNB Hosting forum. But there is a problem for the email confirmation.

The confirmation sent to my email asks me to click on a link, but the link URL is just:

So basically I cannot confirm anything meaningful. Smile

Now it keeps saying my account status is awaiting confirmation. Could you please help fix it?

@tryp4vps Could you please mention what username/email you signed up with?

I don't see any new registrations in MCP, and as far as the newest signup is concerned, I know who's he so ... Probably, the system somehow didn't register your request.

If you wouldn't like to share that information publicly, just PM me and I'll take a look. Smile

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
Hi @sohamb03 I've just registered too to see what happens. When you open the confirmation e-mail it says to click on a button to activate the account, but that button is not visible. The closest visible link is a link for returning to the Forum, which is possibly what happened to @tryp4vps. He just clicked on a link and it wasn't the one for confirming the e-mail but the link for returning to the Forum.

However, I then hovered my mouse over the blank area in between where the message stops and the link for returning to the forum begins, and there was something there - invisible button perhaps - that when I clicked on it it activated the account. Maybe you should check on it too. Maybe make it a link instead of a button, or fix the button graphic so it's visible.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Well, that's interesting. It's about a month and a half since we had the new forum script and I signed up, and also a few others from HostLease Discord have recently joined the forum but they didn't experience this issue.

It seems like this trouble is caused by a recent modification; maybe Jordy was trying to change the email template and something got messed up in the process. And my opinion is further backed by the fact that the confirmation link is actually present but somehow separated from the button.

Whatever it is, I'll ask him to take a look into this issue and I'm sure he'll be able to fix it as soon as possible.

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
(05-17-2020, 05:41 PM)deanhills Wrote: Hi @sohamb03 I've just registered too to see what happens. When you open the confirmation e-mail it says to click on a button to activate the account, but that button is not visible. The closest visible link is a link for returning to the Forum, which is possibly what happened to @tryp4vps. He just clicked on a link and it wasn't the one for confirming the e-mail but the link for returning to the Forum.

However, I then hovered my mouse over the blank area in between where the message stops and the link for returning to the forum begins, and there was something there - invisible button perhaps - that when I clicked on it it activated the account. Maybe you should check on it too. Maybe make it a link instead of a button, or fix the button graphic so it's visible.

We have updated the registration options and confirmation. When a user register, then will the IP checked. Also temporarly emails and VPN IP's will be blocked.
Thanks for all your helps, particularly dean for pointing out the hidden button inside the confirmation email.

This is really a funny finding. Smile Did not expect something like this.

But anyway my account is now activated.

That's cool @tryp4vps. Glad this issue is sorted.

Also, it's good to have new members on the LNB forum. Welcome Dean and tryp4vps! Enjoy your stay at LNB Community forum, while getting rewarded for your posts. Smile
Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
(05-18-2020, 05:57 AM)Pacific Spirit Wrote: We have updated the registration options and confirmation. When a user register, then will the IP checked. Also temporarly emails and VPN IP's will be blocked.

Thanks @Pacific Spirit and @Sohamb03 @Pacific Spirit have you also checked on the password reset option as there is an exact same problem with it. I reported about this at the discussion Forum itself. I tested the change of password, and when you get the e-mail from the Forum to click on a link that will take you to the password change page, the "button" is also invisible. When I hovered my mouse over it, I was able to find it. But if I hadn't known to look for it I may have thought it was not there.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
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