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Dear members,

As you know, we previously offered free VPS with large limits from my old data center in America. A new era has arrived for HostLease and the free service! We already offered Free Shared Hosting in Luxembourg (Offshore - Host Anything) but now the Free VPS is also coming back. This time it is not as limited as the previous free VPS version. We are currently working on some preparations for the new VPS.

UPDATE: v0.5 (Out-dated)
VPSes, Forum applied.
Client Panel enabled.
UPDATE: v0.6 (Out-dated)
ToS Rules has been added.
UPDATE: v0.7 (Out-dated)
New Table list.
New VPS plans.
UPDATE: v0.8 (Out-dated)
New posting and specs.
UPDATE: v0.9 (Current)
Terms Of Services (ToS)

1.) You must be Joined our Discord and our FORUM (Prevent spammers and abusers).
2.) You must have 5 posts to qualify for a free VPS.
3.) Thanks the admins with the list of VPS'es.
4.) You must keep 5 posts per month at LNB-Hosting to hold your VPS.

Q: What if I don't make 5 posts per month?
A: Your VPS will be deleted and be placed for empty space
Q: I have a VPS plan, can I downgrade my higher VPS plan to a lower one?
A: No, once you upgrade your VPS you cannot downgrade. You will need to terminate your VPS and wait 5 days to request again.
Q: I lost my VPS can I apply again?
A: No, you must wait at least 5 days.
Q: I had a VPS before the closure of the previous VPS, can I get it directly?
A: Yes, users who claimed a VPS can obitain a free VPS without doing anything 1st month. (Verification is needed)
Q: How many VPS can I claim?
A: just 1 (one).
Q: Is the VPS offshore and can I do what I want?
A: No, you will have to read and following plus respecting the rules!
Q: My VPS cannot be started, how does this come?
A: it can take 2-4 hours till templates are synced fine.
Q: What happend if my VPS is unused?
A: If you haven't you use VPS within 48h then will we terminate it.
Any questions? No fine, let me know if you have any And tell me if you like.

Discord is: Pacific Spirit#1459
WhatsApp: +31 6 143 55 166
@Pacific Spirit
I'm tempted to try your service but I won't and here is why in all honesty.

Although it's really nice to see you step in to try to fill the void left by the discontinuation of P4V service, I really can't take your offer all that seriously, considering your track record that I've witnessed during my active days in here. And, please, take what follows as a constructive criticism to how I saw/evaluate your way of doing business.

> Too erratic: this is easy to explain given your back and forth between offering a service and discontinuing it awhile after which questions your reliability as a service provider... You did even consider selling your platform at some point as I recall!

> Too amateurish: this is easy to explain too as it's crystal clear when one sees your VPS Plans. They are generally generous but often unrealistic... An example!

(07-31-2021, 09:37 AM)Pacific Spirit Wrote: User may not:
  • Use 10% or more of system resources for longer then 60 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc.
  • Run cron entries with intervals of less than 15 minutes.

Reading those 2 restrictions says everything about what to expect (or NOT) from the service!!

It's true that the wording isn't clear: 'system resources' which system is that?.. the VPS or the VPS Host?! what resources exactly?.. CPU, RAM, I/O ?!.. and why not implement that internally by capping them?..

I can understand those 2 restrictions in the context of Web hosting but not in VPS hosting even for OVZ-based VPSes, which most probably is the case here.

Anyway, just my usual 2 cents!.. Good luck!
VirMach's Buffalo_VPS-9 Holder (Dec. 20 - July 21)
microLXC's Container Holder (july 20 - ?)
VirMach's Phoenix_VPS-9 Holder (Apr. 20 - June 20)
NanoKVM's NAT-VPS Holder (jan. 20 - ?)
I have to edit it indeed, mine rules was written in to hurry, but I will edit it, we are still is alpha stage so it is not 100% finnished yet.
I have joined and I hope this project will be able to grow into something solid. After all, there aren't any other good options out there anymore. Of it's still at an early stage and many things owners have to sort out. But even P4V was like that at the beginning . Projects like these take time to pick up the pace so hopefully everyone ll be patient enough.

One tough thing is when all VPS are provided by the site owners it would be a little tough to grow on. When you have sponsors everything is not really one place/person. But it's not hard if managed properly. Right now they offer some really good VPS and there is no other better alternatives.

I like to be positive about this. Not many believed in P4V at the beginning either. I remember many at joked about how long it gonna last or how it doesn't look professional. Ironically it outlived the bigger forum to become a major name in the free hosting field. All thanks to Admins who were determined to keep going plus members who were willing to give it a chance and hyperactive here. We can't predict future but we can try Smile

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

(08-02-2021, 02:29 AM)xdude Wrote: I have joined and I hope this project will be able to grow into something solid. After all, there aren't any other good options out there anymore. Of it's still at an early stage and many things owners have to sort out. But even P4V was like that at the beginning .  Projects like these take time to pick up the pace so hopefully everyone ll be patient enough.

One tough thing is when all VPS are provided by the site owners it would be a little tough to grow on. When you have sponsors everything is not really one place/person. But it's not hard if managed properly. Right now they offer some really good VPS and there is no other better alternatives.

I like to be positive about this. Not many believed in P4V at the beginning either. I remember many at joked about how long it gonna last or how it doesn't look professional. Ironically it outlived the bigger forum to become a major name in the free hosting field. All thanks to Admins who were determined to keep going plus members who were willing to give it a chance and hyperactive here. We can't predict future but we can try Smile

Hi @xdude  You're right.  We should always be positive.  However @fChk is also right.  Although @Pacific Spirit has been generous in his VPS contributions during the years, it's always been very VERY erratic, frustrating, confusing and mind bending.  Chopping and changing all of the time.  All you need to do is look through past announcements.  But OK, we must stay positive, so hope @fChk and I will be proven wrong.  But for others looking at this discussion.  Please be advised you will be doing this completely at your own risk. 

Also note that there may be other members such as @fitkoh and @Mashiro brain storming ideas at the new Discord Channel that @Dynamo created below.  It's too early days yet to say anything, and they'll probably advise direct if anything should materialize, if and when something does materialize.  But I'd rather look in that direction for now.

Here is the Discord Channel to check out:

I have great admiration and trust in both @fitkoh and @Mashiro as well as @fChk as one can see from their very many super quality posts in this Forum.  So what they say, I usually take very seriously.  As I do yours @xdude.  If I were you I'd drop in at the above Discord Channel and ask for a VPS and then see what comes from that. The pebble in the pool ripple effect I hope.

I'd think you'd be an awesome SEO asset in any new VPS venture that may be brain stormed at any given time.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
(08-02-2021, 02:29 AM)xdude Wrote: One tough thing is when all VPS are provided by the site owners it would be a little tough to grow on. When you have sponsors everything is not really one place/person. But it's not hard if managed properly. Right now they offer some really good VPS and there is no other better alternatives.
This is very true; hardware and electricity are unfortunately not free, and growth is limited by budget. However, like so many others I'm deeply endeared to this type of free hosting and I hate to see it gone forever. Forums like this were paramount in teaching me what some fine educational institutions wouldn't, and providing resources I had no other way to obtain.

My idea was to approach the issue with a minimalistic mindset and try to make it appealing to a more niche market rather than something more generally appealing. I would keep the budget low by offering services at the bare minimum of usefulness rather than trying to duplicate large powerful packages. This would also allow me to be more flexible about posting requirements.

As an example of potential packages:
Small linux distro OS (debian min, sliTaz, tinycore, etc)
32mb ram
1 dedicated ip6
5 NAT ip4 ports
3gb disk
1 quality post a month

packages could be stackable for persons wanting a more powerful system. At 1 quality post a week it would become something like:
128mb ram
1 dedicated ip6
10 NAT ip4 ports
10gb disk

or at 4 posts/week something like
512mb ram
1 dedicated ip6
20 NAT ip4 ports
50gb disk

Anyways, it's mostly just brainstorming and testing currently. I'm fairly comfortable with most aspects of shared hosting, but virtualization is entirely new to me, so at best it would probably be a month or two until I can get everything figured out; although I may have some public testing before then. If anyone is really great at managing a hypervisor and wanted to offer me some tips along the way it would be very helpful Smile You can find me in the p4v discord as "dancewiththedev"

(08-02-2021, 09:03 AM)deanhills Wrote: Hi @xdude  You're right.  We should always be positive.  However @fChk is also right.  Although @Pacific Spirit has been generous in his VPS contributions during the years, it's always been very VERY erratic, frustrating, confusing and mind bending.  Chopping and changing all of the time.  All you need to do is look through past announcements.  But OK, we must stay positive, so hope @fChk and I will be proven wrong.  But for others looking at this discussion.  Please be advised you will be doing this completely at your own risk. 
Amen to that !..  I genuinely hope he does succeed this time. My previous post was essentially meant to be a heads-up for him personally. One must take seriously any kind of projects he undertakes... Yes!.. even the for non-profit ones!!... It's about one's online reputation at the end of the day!.. Ruining it means you don't have any either ways (ie for profit or non-profit.)

(08-02-2021, 02:29 AM)xdude Wrote: One tough thing is when all VPS are provided by the site owners it would be a little tough to grow on. When you have sponsors everything is not really one place/person. But it's not hard if managed properly. Right now they offer some really good VPS and there is no other better alternatives.
Indeed!.. This is yet another HUGE WEAKNESS in LNB's free VPS hosting plan!.. Making it 'hostage' to 1  VPS provider, ie the site owner. Thus any unexpected event in the owner's plans can make it tank at any moment --And we saw that a lot at P4V from LNB's part as a sponsor!..

LNB ought to look for other VPS sponsors for it to start looking as a real alternative to P4V. One point of failure isn't a good thing in any project!

(08-02-2021, 06:38 PM)fitkoh Wrote: My idea was to approach the issue with a minimalistic mindset and try to make it appealing to a more niche market rather than something more generally appealing. I would keep the budget low by offering services at the bare minimum of usefulness rather than trying to duplicate large powerful packages. This would also allow me to be more flexible about posting requirements.

As an example of potential packages:
Small linux distro OS (debian min, sliTaz, tinycore, etc)
32mb ram
1 dedicated ip6
5 NAT ip4 ports
3gb disk
1 quality post a month

packages could be stackable for persons wanting a more powerful system. At 1 quality post a week it would become something like:
128mb ram
1 dedicated ip6
10 NAT ip4 ports
10gb disk

or at 4 posts/week something like
512mb ram
1 dedicated ip6
20 NAT ip4 ports
50gb disk
Those package are more suitable for LX D/LXC containers than KVM-VMs.

For KVM-VMs anything below 1GB of RAM isn't worth a shot.

Just be aware that when you have a host with 32GB RAM that doesn't mean that you can only assign 32GB-worth of  RAM between the host and the running VMs. In fact over-committing RAM is the standard practice giving the fact that not all the allocated RAM is needed all the time by all the VMs. The hypervisor is responsible for adjusting the amount of RAM actually assigned to each running VM depending of its need at the moment. For KVM, the memory virtio_balloon driver is the tool used for that.

This is to say that you still can go ahead and assign 4, 2, 1 GB RAM and keep an eye on how the whole thing performs.

Good luck for that project anyway and keep us posted!
VirMach's Buffalo_VPS-9 Holder (Dec. 20 - July 21)
microLXC's Container Holder (july 20 - ?)
VirMach's Phoenix_VPS-9 Holder (Apr. 20 - June 20)
NanoKVM's NAT-VPS Holder (jan. 20 - ?)
(08-02-2021, 06:38 PM)fitkoh Wrote: Anyways, it's mostly just brainstorming and testing currently. I'm fairly comfortable with most aspects of shared hosting, but virtualization is entirely new to me, so at best it would probably be a month or two until I can get everything figured out; although I may have some public testing before then. If anyone is really great at managing a hypervisor and wanted to offer me some tips along the way it would be very helpful Smile You can find me in the p4v discord as "dancewiththedev"


This is great and exciting news for me @fitkoh Hope we can keep in touch. To let you in on an open secret. Discord is not a favourite platform for me. When I check in it's usually with holding my nose and jumping in attitude. Not as easy as the Forum. Also difficult to "scroll back" to previous discussions.

Wish we could start a new Forum without any obligation to do VPSs immediately but where the founder type discussions could be shared in a group format. Maybe we could brain storm a new name for the Forum for starters. Or use one that is already in existence. Even for temporary.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
I was way too busy so I totally forgot about this and I guess I should have given an update. Sadly it didn't work as I expected. I so I asked for a VPS and selected VPS which was offered for 22 monthly posts. It's box with 3 or 5 GB RAM. I was told I need to complete 22 posts before apply for it. So I told that's not how it works and We complete the post quota after receiving the VPS. So It was agreed and VPS was given. was sent login details in a PM and I logged into the panel and found 5GB server there.

I had been so busy so I didn't do anything at all. After today I found free time so I had decided to install and configure. Login to the panel and found VPS was gone. So I asked in VPS and I Was told "VPS was suspended due abuse and terminated.". I asked for more details and then was told excatly this

" There was used mire than 7GB ram. Or someone have got your access that you giving, we got complaints from the RSA about this. They forced us to take action witin 24h. The abuse report is in that link. "

Link was -

REASON: Flooding/malicious activities found by monitoring

I got paniced and started checking PC for everything as well as sent msgs to all my server providers asking to see if any kind of compromize has happened. My Desktop has nothing and I was replied by providers saying nothing unusual happening in servers either. So I can't think of anything apart from a bruteforce or DDOS on IP address since I hadn't even touch it and nothing gone wrong in my other servers or PC. If the forum is compromized and PM was read by someone and taken details? That's a posibility but unlikely. I didn't look anything or bother since These days I really don't have time to waste on.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

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