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Step by step tutorial for installing a WP site from Debian 10+Nginx without a panel?
I'm trying to find a really quality tutorial providing all of the steps that will finally lead to installing a WordPress site without a panel.  The OS has to be Debian 10 with Nginx.  I've worked my way through loads of tutorials from Google but haven't had success yet.  They must be missing steps that are taken as "given" and "for granted" by those creating WP in a non-panel environment.

My issue is not with installing WP from the command line.  My issue is with setting permissions.  It may also have to do with my VPS security settings with SELinux and requirement for having the correct side script language in an .htaccess page.  And also having more than one .htaccess in more than one location.  Preferably I don't want to use .htaccess at all, as like the SELinux cop out for disabling it, I think .htaccess is also an overrider of security.

I've done basically everything with the permissions.  Like I always disable SELinux as standard.  I've learned how to open all of the ports.  How to check how to listen to them.  How to set up users and CHOWN them.  How to set up the right permissions for the folders and files. Yet I've been unsuccesful with setting up WP. I must be doing something wrong.

I'm comfortable with how VestaCP set up its filing system.  I have success with WP every time with VestaCP.  I can do it with eyes closed.  I install WP with VestaCP from the command line and basically only use the database and file setup and server of VestaCP.  I only need to add the command below at the end of the installation so I can install plugins and themes in WP directly from the WP Dashboard.

chown admin -R *

However  when I install WP from the command line in a non-panel environment in Apache and use the above chown command for admin, it says no such user.  When I try to create a user admin in a non-panel environment I can't do so. I can create non-admin name users, but not admin.  I  get it that the file path to the domain in apache and nginx is /var/www/html and the virtual host .conf files in etc/conf. I've worked through tons of step to set up permissions for those folders. I get how they are set up but am obviously missing something as in most cases I can't get WP admin set up right.  Even when I nano the content of index.html, it fetches the generic Apache index.html from somewhere else. When I delete index.html from the root of the domain apache still gets another index.html that is the generic Apache page.  I know about cache and deleting it everywhere including in your OS. Whatever I do the index.html stays with the default original Apache index file, and if I fiddle too much everything breaks and it goes to 404 or cannot find.

I need a really good tutorial for getting the folder and file structure, and permissions as well as users right.  There has to be something that one does to for example create one's own folder structure like VestaCP does under home/admin/web/ and then get it pointed to the var/www/html direction (where in VestaCP there are no sub-folders and files) but where Apache wants it to be, and ditto with the dot.conf virtual host files, of getting the permissions and users right.  A step by step tutorial with no steps missed.  I get it how to create .htaccess.  But the standard wording provided does not make any difference.  Looks like .htaccess has to be copied to other Web folders and not only the root folder of the domain.  

Installation of php is also an issue.  There are millions of ways of doing it.  But I think that may be an issue too.  I know how to do the initial installation to set it up for a specific version of php before one installs php. But I'd like to get a simpler way of doing it. I don't feel as in control with php as i do with MariaDB.

Until I get the above right, I'm sticking with the Debian Fork by dpeca of myVestaCP as it works OK for me.  But I'd be really happy with myself if I could find a simple minimalist way of getting to use WordPress with no panel at all from the command line.  I know how to use MariaDB, I can create a database and user from the command line. I can give the database a user and permissions.  I know my way into phpmyadmin. I can do some edits in phpmyadmin, import databases, create new one. I can create WP from the command line.  I can create a static Website from the command line.  But the permissions of the Administrator of WP as well as where Apache fetches everything has me at a loss. I don't get it when I delete index.html why and where Apache fetches its default page.  Even when cache and everything associated with cache has been removed.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
I am not sure whether it is appropriate,but for me my progress are as follows(as I mentioned in shoutbox).
I am using LAMP and it seems not being too hard - I never used vestacp,but hmm...if you use apache,the appropriate user shouldn't be apache instead of admin?

Well,if you want a step-by-step experience for the method above,here's the steps:
(NOTE:I am not having much knowledge in this,and all I expected is to make this work.)
Here I use Euserv's free ipv6-only vps and using Debian 10 as there are issues with gcc installation in my centos7/8 template.
(Assuming you have A/AAAA records in advance)
#setup DNS64 proxy,skip if you have ipv4 support
echo -e "nameserver 2001:67c:2b0::4\nnameserver 2001:67c:2b0::6" > /etc/resolv.conf
#Install prerequisities
apt-get install wget git
#Clone the repo,as mentioned in
git clone
cd lamp
chmod 755 *.sh
#(Help yourself configuring,I will use the default to save time)
#Wait for all set
lamp add
#(Setup website directory,databases etc.Here I use
#Go to the www directory
cd .../data/www/
#Get install file
tar xzf latest.tar.gz
#(mv or cp the /wordpress dir to a desired dir,I moved to the website root)
cd ..
#setup perms to allow plugin installation,maybe also need a chmod to 755.
chown -R apache *
#Go to your web address,and since I have not much experience in wordpress,help yourself using the web installation and administration interface.
VPS 3 Provided by Post4vps and Racknerd .
Hey Dean! I was doing a little bit of research on this, as I don't have the largest familiarity with NGINX, but I found a tutorial that may be able to help you. What stood out to me with this guide is the author focused on permissions and PHP as you've stated has been an issue for you. Hopefully this helps and I can help to diagnose PHP and Wordpress further with you if this does not yield any additional results!
Thank you to CubeData and Posts4VPS for the services of VPS 8.
(05-18-2021, 02:51 AM)tbelldesignco Wrote: Hey Dean! I was doing a little bit of research on this, as I don't have the largest familiarity with NGINX, but I found a tutorial that may be able to help you. What stood out to me with this guide is the author focused on permissions and PHP as you've stated has been an issue for you. Hopefully this helps and I can help to diagnose PHP and Wordpress further with you if this does not yield any additional results!

The above tutorial of rosehosting was one of the tutorials I followed that didn't work out in the end.  I got a 404 error page.  

I'm sure it's a great tutorial, but possibly there are steps missed involving setup that is taken for granted.

Yesterday I was searching through YouTube and spot checking, and there was one tutorial through which I discovered there is a default Virtual Host .conf folder in Nginx that needs to be unlinked first otherwise nginx will continue to use it - from what I understand it may override other .conf files.   You can check it at the 5.09 minute start of discussion about Nginx configuration files below.  Roses doesn't mention anything about this.  I need to go through it in much greater detail and this will be my next step over the following weekend.

I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually.

@mzltest Thanks very much for your steps. I'll check them out over the weekend. Cheers.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
If I'm able to find some free time I will make a tutorial and publish it here. I've already reinstalled my home server to Debian 10 yesterday and made a backup of the fresh installation (just in case). However, haven't been able to do more than that yesterday.

Might not happen until the weekend though.
[Image: zHHqO5Q.png]
Here you go:
[Image: zHHqO5Q.png]
(05-19-2021, 06:55 PM)Mashiro Wrote: Here you go:

This is awesome. MANY thanks @Mashiro. I'll get stuck in with working with the Tutorial straight away!
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
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