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The best Editor for Python ?
(08-30-2019, 04:22 PM)HariVP Wrote: I have tried several python editors and according to me a python editor must be:
1. Light-weight (Opens immediately ready to work) which PyCharm clearly isn't.
2. Other functions PyCharm has like immediate Django file starter without needing to open cmd and obviously suggestions
All of these are available on SublimeText3 (with the anaconda plugin and Django plugin) or Visual Studio Code (with python and Django tool)
All the required tools / plugins can easily be installed from the in-built features or with github as you see fit.

It depend., On my machine with a SSD, PyCharm opens up in 8-15 seconds. Then it starts to load up your project and indexing it, that depending on the size of your project can be relatively "slow" but SSD improves it a lot.

Indexing is something that HELPS YOU A LOT and "simple editors" can't provide it to you.

We can say that PyCharm is a IDE, Integrated Development Environment, created ad hoc to work with Python, it offers what you need and what you will need in future. It is a "special purpose" software.

Editors like VSCode, Atom, ST3 are "simple editors" that can be extended with plugins. But they are mainly "general purpose" text editors. You can't except from them the same level of support/productivity that a IDE like PyCharm offers you.
It is really hard put all the logic needed to handle Python in a plugin of few MBs.

P.S JetBrains' software is the max-ultra top of IDE world nowadays. If you use any of its software you will find yourself uncomfortable using other software. It happened to me with IntelliJ, after using it I have never returned to NetBeans for java development.
Thanks to Post4VPS and Bladenodefor VPS 14
i suggest you to use visual studio code not only for python but also for other languages.

Working with python in Visual Studio Code using Microsoft Python Extension is simple and fun. The extension makes visual studio code an excellent python editor and works on any operating system with a variety of python interpreters.
I'm kind of having trouble getting things running in my Windows 7 64 bit Desktop. I mean Visual Studio Code, Python, and some related packages. Not sure what's wrong. Seems many have problems when try to setup Visual Studio Code/Python on Windows 7 64 Bit. I didn't like PyCharm but the installation process was quite smooth.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

I use vim - the best editor in terms of speed, space and time requirements.
(01-25-2020, 07:07 PM)xor2020 Wrote: I use vim - the best editor in terms of speed, space and time requirements.

Please note that to claim an editor is the "best editor" you need to provide proper justification for making this statement. Your posts have to have some discussion in them that make a contribution to the overall topic of discussion. "Speed, space and time requirements" say very little - and may not make sense if not justified properly. Please note that since you are new to the Forum we will allow this one post to go through, but future one-liners will be removed from the Forum, and if too many are made may lead to a ban of the Forum account.
Thank you to Post4VPS and VirMach for my awesome VPS 9!  
Personally, I feel having a choice and favoring one particular editor isn't good as it takes away the option of adjustment with every environment.

Personally, I like Atom and that's my favorite text editor due to the formatting and otherwise impressing controls.

However, I've used a ton of other software like Notepad++, Sublime Text, vim for console and other web file manager text editor. TBH I'm quite okay with all of them, as they all fulfill the basic purpose of editing the code.

Now when I'm on mobile, the option of all of those text editors is gone. At that time, the only option of editing text is via the console and that's when vim comes to my aid. My school's PC doesn't support Atom and Sublime Text due to framework reasons, and that's where Notepad++ is the ideal assistant. For my home PC it's Atom and Sublime. When a particular memory-consuming process is running on my PC due to which Atom lags, the Web Panel file Managers are the best choice.

What the desktop text editors do is to provide additional comfort. Of course, expecting vim to autofill variable and function names for you is no more than a dream. Similarly, that doesn't happen in a text editor of your Web Panel's file manager. But does that mean they're not worthy to be used. Definitely not, they all fulfill the basic function of letting you edit text quite well. It's not acceptable to complain that they can't autofill predefined information for you and so you can't use them.

Thus my point is having favorites is okay but too much favoritism isn't good. We should be able to adjust with what's available at a particular place and should be able to still fulfill our objective. That's what versatility is.

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
Most of the time I use gedit on Linux. Gedit has good color styling for many popular programming languages including Python. So it is good enough for me.

On Windows, Notepad++ is obviously a nice choice. It is fast especially if you need to open large Python files for editing.

I am new to Python and before I entered the python I used the VSCode for several other programming languages, but when I tried it in Python it didn't perform the same of PyCharm
I have started testing and using Sublime Text 3. So far things working well. It's lot lighter than VSCode and yet to give me any trouble. Hopefully this is the one for me. These days Im watching various videos about it in Youtube learning more about the editor.

~ Be yourself everybody else is taken ~

if i am using using python for web development,GUI apps,etc and need good documentation and support then i choose pyCharm
But your requirement is fast and lightweight then you can choose from below if you like..

If i am using in in rasperberry pi or any other VMs/VPS which have low space then i would like to go for
>>VIM(with plugin),
>>jupyter notebook

For machine learning and AI based projects where auto-completion and project management easily can be done by
Emacs-lightweight editor(with bunch of useful plugin and themes available)

i am using spacemacs (extended Emacs) that supports EVIL,ORG mode,python mode,documentation,etc
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