(05-14-2021, 07:22 AM)tryp4vps Wrote: I am still playing PUBG, but only very occasionally.
And I only play this game on mobile instead of PC, normally when I just have free time, or when I am on public transport and feel really boring. 
Do you think it has a better quality on the computer and you can attack enemies better or on the computer (in terms of screen size)
(05-14-2021, 09:44 AM)sagher Wrote: After a year of PUBG mobile player i am hands-up from this game. nothing to learn nothing to gain in my practical life. even this game not gives you relaxation as mush as if you play Zelda or Mario or any Nintendo games. the old player got my point and remember there childhood memories.
Big reason to remove PUBG is fast drain of battery.
excessive storage usage.
Hang-up problem for other apps.
my phone is Huawei Y9-Prime 2019. with 4GB/128GB and Kirin 710F CPU specs.
And as you ask. about PUBG on PC via emulator is just a hack. and PC players are some kind of hackers or scammers. which is not loyal.
game design for mobile. and difficult to play on mobile instead of PC.
If your problem is just draining the battery and storage space, you can play with the computer like me. True, this game is just for fun and you do not learn anything. Almost all games are for fun. Which game in real life did you learn from?
(05-15-2021, 06:11 AM)razma Wrote: when you play with pc you get matched with people who also play with pc which makes the game really hard, if you are not experienced,in mobile you can easily be one of the last ten people alive since its harder to aim move etc.
No, it is not. I play with my friends who play phone games and other players are selected according to the level. But in general I think it is better with the phone because my friends say that enemies can be better identified with the phone and the screen size of the phone does not matter and this is strange to me