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(08-02-2019, 02:32 PM)tiwil Wrote: What does this mean actually? HostDoc ID to Hostlease VPS? Maybe you have typo on it?

Anyway, this may decreasing people that wanted VPS with those ID verifications. This happen too with HostDoc VPS. HostDoc sponsored 3, but only 1 taken.

Hi tiwil, I understand that something is confusing you. Let me tell and explain clearly why we do this and why is it been applied.

The EU Law is making the rules stronger and stricter. Due that some hosting companies are sponsor other website which is not listed by the chamber of commerce and we are not holding any customer ID with us, but the problem is that HostLease is having a Media Group NL under them and we have more than 250k of visitors per day so a lot of people is know about Hostlease and the service we provide. I just received from the NL government that the EU is making these changes so I tried to block this but unfortunately I had the choices to pay a fine and apply these rules or just apply these rules without blocking and without a fine. So yeah I had actually no choice for now. Ofcourse are we looking for a new solution to fix this problem permanently. If there is any update then we will let Post4VPS know this. But for now I cannot do anything but I can ensure that we won't do anything with your ID. Our process with ID goes as followed.

1 - When the Screenshot/Photo is made it go to Post4VPS or Directly to Hostlease self, depends how the user do.
2 - Once @Pacific Spirit (Jordy) have seen the Photo/Screenshot from the ID we will only keep the name in our mind and we delete the ID from our hard drive.
3 - Conclusion, we only check the ID cards and once that done we delete and do nothing, if the user want a confirmation then we can sent it the them that is no problem at all, but most people knows HostLease as a very trusted provider and that we do anything safety.

(08-02-2019, 02:48 PM)chanalku91 Wrote: Fix some typos and everything will be solved!
They want your ID card to verify that you are not a criminal

As mentioned in my post above is it just a simply a statement that the VPS has been granted to the user whose ID has been sent.

(08-02-2019, 03:01 PM)Manal Wrote: Such ID cards are taken to avoid abuse and fraud. For example, if their VPS is used for any illegal activity, they can provide the details to the authority (in case of a subpoena or any other similar instances).

Yes, part of that is true, but I don't assume that there are real criminals on Post4VPS. But you can't be careful enough these days. We also don't suspect anyone and @Dynamo and @deanhills are two very reliable people and we also see that spammers don't get a chance here and they shouldn't be one-liners either. Most VPS users have been active and members here for a very long time and have been hanging around on a VPS for quite a while and respect the rules of the providers very well. So yes @Manal a part of it is true but the other is not.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: VPS 15-18 Hostlease ID Requirement - Immediately Applicable to ALL Hostlease VPSs - by Pacific Spirit - 08-02-2019, 03:26 PM

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