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Corona Virus ? where did this come from ?
I really enjoy reading so many angles and ideas. Though personally I don't think this is man made. we have capacity to make dangerous pathogens, crude ones. but not such fine tuned ones. yet..

I may not find many of the views, ideas or stories here interesting . but what I greatly appreciate is the importance of disagreement and following ones own. that is the ultimate weapon or power we humans have. The source of all this magic in our world.


viruses are neither alive nor dead. But I can guess what you meant there...and I must say no. There are many natural viruses that do remain intact outside host cells for weeks and even longer. just a Google search can help further.

Here is something a friend sent me on WhatsApp and i could not resist the temptation to post it.

this is for all of you.

Quote:it's beautiful.. ♥️

We fell asleep in one world, and woke up in another.

Suddenly Disney is out of magic,
Paris is no longer romantic,
New York doesn't stand up anymore,
the Chinese wall is no longer a fortress, and Mecca is empty.

Hugs & kisses suddenly become weapons, and not visiting parents & friends becomes an act of love.

Suddenly you realise that power, beauty & money are worthless, and can't get you the oxygen you're fighting for.

The world continues its life and it is beautiful. It only puts humans in cages. I think it's sending us a message:

"You are not necessary. The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine. When you come back, remember that you are my guests. Not my masters."
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
(04-01-2020, 04:07 PM)Manal Wrote: Repeat after me, Indian politicians and Indian Media is a joke.
Since you're an Indian, I hope I don't need to explain to you why.

"Go corona go. Corona go, corona go.", "Hindu Muslim".

Not only Indian politicians and Indian Media though. Like I'd extend it to the rest of the world. Trump? Trudeau? Lies upon layers of lies and then some. It always feels as though the politicians closest to your comfort zone are the worst ones. But not necessarily so. You just know them better.
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(04-01-2020, 07:39 PM)deanhills Wrote: Not only Indian politicians and Indian Media though.  Like I'd extend it to the rest of the world.  Trump? Trudeau?  Lies upon layers of lies and then some.  It always feels as though the politicians closest to your comfort zone are the worst ones.  But not necessarily so.  You just know them better.

I absolutely agree with you. We as humans tend to always blame the ones that we are the most comfortable with, and also as you mentioned, the ones that are the closest to us.

It’s not much of a preference thing, but mainly based on psychology and how the human brain works.

Anyways, I’m honestly not a big fan in bringing politics into the situation. We all know that doing so won’t really help the situation.
Thank you Post4VPS and VirMach for providing me with VPS9! But now it’s time to say farewell due to my studies.
@Manal Yeah I do agree sadly. People are now making an issue out of the Nizamuddin gathering, the best part is that media is directly blaming the Muslims on a public platform. I'm just hoping that this doesn't lead to a strife between Hindus and Muslims as honestly, we aren't in a position to handle a fight between the two communities, especially now that Corona is taking the better of us, crossed 2000 cases, 40 deaths and still counting.

@deanhills Agreed.

@rudra Well, as far as I'm concerned in the context of this virus, the capability of this virus to cause the same level of effect on the host, even after weeks is quite amazing. I'm just speaking on basis of a report I recently saw.

The even funnier part is that researchers claim that COVID-19 isn't man-made and renowned Doctors claim they are, I dunno what's the truth.

To be honest, I'm sure these discussions and the blame game isn't gonna help neither on a personal nor on a state level. It's best to cooperate with the Government measures and let's pray, that we're able to win over this virus soon. Smile

Sayan Bhattacharyya,

Heartiest thanks to Post4VPS and Virmach for my wonderful VPS 9!
(04-02-2020, 09:26 AM)ikk157 Wrote: Anyways, I’m honestly not a big fan in bringing politics into the situation. We all know that doing so won’t really help the situation.
Totally agreed.  Here in South Africa the President seems to be surrounded by genuine experts and his speeches rock, HOWEVER unfortunately what really counts are the local governments and supplies to the points of medical care.  Protective gear for care givers, hospital beds and ventilators.  I find his brilliant speeches don't tally with what is going on at the ground level.  

Now what really impressed me was the UK who were able to procure the expert services of an army hospital construction specialist to assist with creating an enormous medical facility - called the Nightingale Hospital.  It's a makeshift temporary army hospital that the army specialist is used to setting up in Afghanistan.  UK used an enormous Exhibition area to recreate it into a medical facility - hoping to have it in operation within a week.  Now for me the NHS is really turning out good in all of this, and particularly how all of the Brits seem to be volunteering their expertise and assistance.  A week ago when the UK Government asked for 250,000 volunteers to assist, the number was fully subscribed within hours.  They definitely have my admiration for this kind of collaboration.  Almost like in WWII - united front.  Now compare it with Italy who always seems to be in shambles when they have to make decisions and ditto France. Like there's a parallel for me with the outcome of the WWII in their countries too.  And finally the capitalist opportunism of the US.  No doubt there are already US tycoon opportunists in motion to cash in the misery of others - if indeed they didn't create "the opportunity" to start off with.  I.e. I'm sure Trump must have known about this threat long in advance of it becoming a real problem in the US and took his time no doubt to give those capitalist supporters of his who have money to lose to make their preparations (liar liar pants on fire). Winking Tongue
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i totally agree with this that we should not start blaming the Muslim community on this. You just check the news and you will see how some hindu aholes were attacking the medical stuff, throwing things at then them and spitting on them.

This is not a matter of Hindu and Muslim. rather lack of proper education and improving our is gonna be a huge burden. I am just amazed at Kerala and how good their public education seems from so far.

anyways, Doctors, no matter how famous, can't comment on the origin of this virus. shouldn't. scientists song research by analyzing genome and matching them etc.... they probably can with some certainly. so any report or comment on media should be taken with your better judgment.

oh..i forgot.... we in India, who are against this current trends of increasing racial discrimination are being called Libergandu or liberandu or something. Liberal fool... that means.

What people don't understand is that we in India and many other countries around the world are at a very dangerous situation. with this increasing racialism nationalism and all that.

both the big parties in India are conservatives and one encourages civil nationalism and the other, religious nationalism. no party to forward the arguments of the liberal side. just some scattered and educated people here and there. this is dangerous.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
(04-02-2020, 09:56 AM)sohamb03 Wrote: @Manal Yeah I do agree sadly. People are now making an issue out of the Nizamuddin gathering, the best part is that media is directly blaming the Muslims on a public platform. I'm just hoping that this doesn't lead to a strife between Hindus and Muslims as honestly, we aren't in a position to handle a fight between the two communities, especially now that Corona is taking the better of us, crossed 2000 cases, 40 deaths and still counting.

No religion is innocent here. In UP, Adityanath held a big pooja but no media house covered it because it's obvious :/ Godi media. But I wouldn't go any far from here because this would arise a conflict of interest in our conversation. Minorities in India, both Muslims and Christians were targeted in India as always.

To cover the failure of control of the outbreak, the government is using communal tactics to blame not themselves, but minorities that they are the cause. In this case, their propaganda is being pushed and they're protected from the blame too.

The true nationalism, as you stated above, is by protecting people of all communities. This is being done by one and only "Sickulars"(yea, that's what they say). Those who help people from all communities are targeted as anti-nationals and those who specifically help minorities are called "terrorists attempting to root their propaganda in the nation by brainwashing minority youth".

Let's forget about it and help anyone you see who seeks for it without asking their religion and political beliefs.
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Yes, it is a democratic country and people can't be stopped like that. people will be people. so that's why i expected this lock down to not work much beyond just slowing this down. so that the flow becomes manageable and our health system gets time too scale up.

it is certainly not only Muslims.

Also it is hard to stay locked in homes in a country where 70-80 percent people earn their daily expenses every day. That's impossible. with just like 5 kg rice and 1 kg pulse. lol . people have other expenses.

Also for those people who are blaming china for letting this spread. just look how chaotic and unpredictable human assumption and decision making is. look how other countries are handling this. So how can people still blame china is beyond me.

Though i must mention here that that may be true still. one of those conspiracy theories. just the probability seems very off. like a heliocentric physics with perfect math is possible with right scaling factors. but not the easiest explanation and that's why we don't put much work there.

@Manal. It is really shocking ! You have noted that too. I see hypocrisy everywhere. it was always there and a big friend of politicians, as was lying and gaslighting and misdirection.

I say politics is practiced as an art of misdirection.

I have so many Muslim friends. And they know that im against teaching to be religious or nationalists or racists. but that never put a wall in our friendship. just cause I have respect for their thought process too. it is never like I'm the best, what i think is the best.

But recently I'm finding some of them less enthusiastic. this harmony is being poisoned by this party.

Now people make bad comments if you support others than your own and it has become so intolerant.

Dark days ahead !! Sad
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
(04-04-2020, 09:00 AM)rudra Wrote: Dark days ahead !! Sad

I see it too!  Some Governments begin to notice the limitations of their Government structure.  South Africa had a very grand plan to lock every one down to contain the virus.  But the lifestyle and culture of about 80% of the population are so different, and it is a democracy. If there is a funeral, every one has to go and of course the virus loves funerals. So people are not paying attention.  There is also insufficient army and police since budgets have been cut in the past because of Government corruption.  South Africa is in its second week of lockdown and I can just feel restlessness all around.  More people visiting malls.  More guys riding on motor bikes, taking chances to go out instead of stay home.

@rudra  How about face masks.  At the beginning of the Virus we were advised only to wear it if we have the virus, but now we hear that that advice was given because of a shortage of face masks.  Now the advice is to wear face masks regardless of whether you are asymptomatic or not as that is what they are doing in China and South Korea where they were more successful in containing the virus. In South Africa now they are going into the direction of wearing masks and protective gear in public - although of course I can't find surgical masks of the type I see them wearing in China and Korea. People who are driving cars as part of their job here if they are a supplier have to wear gloves and masks and if they have passengers have to supply them with gloves and masks as well.  Sort of a madness of masks. People in South Africa have clued in that you don't have to necessary show the symptoms to be a carrier of the virus. It could be any person around you who has the virus.
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Face masks are good, but .... (he he)

most of us don't know how to handle and use them. we wear it lose and there are gaps all around. If you can breath like normal, then you are not wearing it properly. But when you make it tight, it gets very tough to wear it for longer durations.

also there is not much point wearing it if you are going to touch it all the time or say open and keep it in pocket sometimes.

This virus can probably get into your body through other soft tissues. like your eyes. ..

we should not really talk about china and South Korea. you should just read some posts on quora where they are posting pictures of their supplied meals for those in quarantine. I felt so tempted to try and go there to eat like that for 15 days. sorry Tongue

they are doing huge no of tests and isolating even non symptomatic hosts. That's the main reason behind this control. it is having a great effect along with the use of masks.

we can't even hope to tackle it like that for our respective countries.

edit .. they are now first world countries in every aspect. not developing.
Sincere Thanks to VirMach for my VPS9. Also many thanks to Shadow Hosting and cubedata for the experiences I had with their VPSs.
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