Well, here in New Delhi, cases were increasing by leaps and bounds until a couple of days back, when the State Government had put in a lot of effort to check the spread of this pandemic.
Indeed, at least in the area I live, life is on in it's usual pace. Nothing much to worry about, except when the media boasts and makes normal events look extraordinary.
The best part is - my schedule never changed, instead it's become worse than school days. We've got a formal list for timings of online classes for every subject, from our school, and needless to say teachers are ever so punctual. Coaching classes and school, these are the two things that don't change even if it's the last day of the planet.
We're not so much being affected yet, but with the present pace of COVID-19 tests being done in India, just wondering how long before we meet the same fate as US.
Stay safe guys, my best wishes for y'all.
Kind regards,